Missing Sons

570 18 36

Sorry, I was sure I published this part

~3rd person's point~

Both kings sat in their theon's watching the special performance their children were in. Both king waited for one  particular child's time in the performance and when that time came both kings were furious to find out that child wasn't there

~Percy's point~

"Percy, wait for me" Grover hollered from behind me. He was my best friend. He was a brown fur bearing trout

"Hurry up Grover!"

Grover finally caught up looking exhausted

"You know I can't swim as fast as you."

I looked ahead and saw what I was looking for

"Look there it is. Isn't it amazing?"
I said pointing to a....well I didn't really know what it was, but it was huge made of wood and really cool looking.

"Yeah . . . sure . . . it-it's great looking. Can we leave now?"

"Grover are you getting cold fins already?"

"Me? Cold fin? No way. It's just, it, err . . . it looks - dark in there. Yeah. So we won't be able to see that well"

"If you don't want to go in that's fine"


"Yeah, you can just stay out here all alone and watch for sharks." I said swimming through a hole

"Ok, Yeah, I'll stay out here and...Wait!Sharks! Percy!"
Grover quickly went through the hole.
I was waiting right there for him knowing he would come in after I mentioned sharks. I laughed when I saw him

"Not funny Perc"

"Don't be such a guppy Grover, do you really think I would leave you out there if there were sharks around here?"

"No...and I'm not a guppy!"
I just laughed again and continued swimming with Grover following close behind.

"Isn't this is great? Excitement, adventure, I love it!

Grover tried to swim to me but hit his head on a pillar because he was still looking behind him.

"You okay there Grover?"


I looked over at the ground and something caught my eye.

"Oh my gods! Have you ever seen anything so cool in your entire life??!"

I pick up what looked like a tiny triton.

"Ooooh, cool! But, err, do you know what it is?"

"No. But I bet Leo will."
I put the item in my bag and swam over to something else. Grover said something behind me but I was to distracted to hear what it was.

"Hmm, What is this one?" I picked up a weird shape piece of wood with a small hole on one side and a large hole on the other.

"Percy . . " Grover said as he tapped my shoulder

"Grover, You need  to relax. Nothing will happen." And of course right after I said that a Shark broke through on of the holes and swam at us.

"Not good" I said quickly putting the other item in my bag before grabbed a hold of Grover and swimming away as fast as I could

"AAHHHH!! We're gonna die!!" Grover yelled into my ear.

The Shark chased us all around the place untill I found a small room to hide in and it swam past us.

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