Kiss the Boy

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~Will's point~

After everyone was done eating breakfast we headed out to town. I sat in the front and drove with Nico sitting next to me while Annabeth and Seaweed Brain sat in the back.

When we arrived in town it was full of life with morning commute. I pulled the carriage to a stop and got down then I went over the the otherside and helped Nico down. Seaweed Brain watched me do this and so he got out as quickly as he could and ran over to Annabeth's side and helped her down.

We walk and looked at all the things people were saleing at their stands. Flowers, food, hats, and other such stuff. I looked over at Nico and saw that his face had a tint of red to it, a sign that he was starting to get sunburned so grabbed his good hand and walked over to the hat stand.

"My....friend here needs a hat, I don't think he spends a lot of time in the sun and I don't want him to get to badly burnt" I said. The guy behind the stand raised an eyebrow and looked down at our hands

"Friend uh?" He said before turning to his hats. I felt my face heat up and I knew it wasn't from the sun.

"Is there a color you'd like?" He asked
Looking through the hats.

"Nico?" I asked. He turned his attention away from what he was looking at and looked at me.

"See anything you like?" I asked

He glanced in the direction he was looking before and I realized he was
looking at a green hat. He had a look of longing on his face as he looked at it.

"I'm good" he said quickly looking back at me.

"Can we have the green one over there?" I asked pointing at the hat he had been looking at. Nico tried to protest as the man handed me the hat but I placed the hat on his head and paid.

"You can keep the extra" I said as I handed him the money.

"Thank you" He said as I linked my arm in Nico's and walked back towards the others. We were almost back when I felt Nico tug my shirt sleeve. I looked down at him to see him smiling at me.

"Thank you" he said as he adjusted his new hat. The look he gave had so much emotion behind it that I was at a loss for words.

"No problem" I finally managed. He hugged my arm as we walked up to Annabeth laughing and Seaweed brain looking a little terrified.

~Annabeth's point~

We pulled to a stop and Will got out of the carriage and then helped Nico get out. I was about to get out myself when Seaweed Brain quickly got out and run over to me side. He fell once but tried to make it look like he didn't so I let it slide. When he got to me side he held he hand out for me so I took it and got out.

"What a gentleman" I said and he gave me a look that said yep that's me. I laughed and linked my arm in his and walked towards Will and Nico. On the way we pasted a hand puppet stand that had a group of kids watching and a prince puppet give flowers to a princess puppet. Seaweed Brain saw the puppets and pulled me over to them. When we got close he let go of my arm and stood in front of the stand looking down at the puppets in amazement

"Well, hello there good sir" the prince puppet said in a bad British accent as the man controlling him peaked through the curtain to see way the children seemed upset.

"My name is prince Eric" the puppet said holding his hand out for him the shake. Seaweed Brain grabbed the puppet and pulled it off the man's hand and looked at it with shock as if he couldn't believe it had just spoke.

"I say! Put me down" the puppet said as the man quickly put his hand away so the children didn't see it.
He screamed (or at least tried to) and dropped the puppet and looked at it with terror and I busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice Will and Nico walk up to us until Will spoke.

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