Under The Sea

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~Nico's point~

We stayed there watching the humans until the ship hit a large rock. Luckily we were able to jump back in the water before it hit, but by the time we surfaced again the ship blow apart sending us back under. As we looked at
The many parts of the ship falling into the sea I saw to humans
"Percy, over there!" I yelled pointing at the man and woman that were staring to sink. We quickly raced over and grabbed them and pulled them to the surface then we headed for land.

"Is-is he dead?" I asked when I pulled William to the shore

Leo flew down next to him picked up his foot and placed it against his ear.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear a heartbeat"

I looked over at Percy with the woman (who I believe they called Annabeth)and he was panicking as Jason tried to give him directions on what to do to help her.

"You need to remove her corset, she probably can't breathe" Jason said pointing at her.

"What's a corset!?" Percy yelled trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"Calm down you can't help her if you're freaking out"

Percy took a deep breath

"Her corset is under her dress right here" Jason said pointing at her chest.

Percy's face went bright red
"Wait what?!...I....no...I-I can't, you do it!"

"Percy I can't, I'm a ghost remember?"

"Right, h-how d-do I get go-to her c-corset?"

"You may have to rip her dress"

Percy nervously nodded before grabbing her dress, he took a deep breath again and ripped it open.
Jason pointed at the corset and Percy began to remove it.
I looked back at the man in front of me as he did.(who I distinctly remembered they called William or Will but I didn't know whichone he liked better)

he's head had shoot up and he coughed up water. He then fell back down taking slow even breathes. I let out s breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"He's breathing, thank the gods"
I looked over at Percy we also looked relieved.

"We saved them!" He said with a huge grin.

"Yeah" I looked down at the man

"He's so gorgeous." I said as I softly stroked his cheek. His skin felt soft and warm to the touch.

"♪What would I give To live where you are?♪"
"♪What would I pay To stay here beside you?♪"

His eyes slowly opened and he tried to focus on me.

"♪What would I do to see you Smiling at me?♪"
Right then he did just that and my heart started beating faster.

"♪Where would we walk? Where would we run?♪"
"♪If we could stay all day in the sun?♪"
"♪Just you and me And I could be Part of your world♪"

Suddenly I heard something and when I looked up to see what it was I saw a half man kinda like me and Percy but he didn't have a tail or smoke for his lower half he had a long white body with four long. He was tall, fast, and running right at us. I looked at Percy and we hurried away back into the sea. After a few minutes Percy poked his head out of the water to look he then gestured with his finger that it was ok so I poked my head out. I looked at the shore and was surprised to see the odd man was no longer there and unsteady there was a man in a moving chair and a dog. (Yes I know what a dog is we have one in the underworld but it has 3 heads. Why didn't I tell Percy earlier? It was just to much fun watching him freak out)

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