A Deal With Nyx

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Leo's point Flashback

I flew into the cave I had met Nyx in to see her walking out of a pool of water, her black dress almost looking like tentacles for a moment. She walked over to a throne like chair in the middle of the cave and sat down.

"So the hero returns" she said as she turned one of two shell necklaces over in her fingers.

"You never said the potion would turn me into a dragon" I said as I landed on the ground in front of her.

"And you never ask. You simply wanted something that gave you strength" she said

"Enough with your tricks" I said

"Tricks? Just because you didn't ask about everything dosen't mean I tricked you" she said with a smile.

"What do I need to do to change back?" I asked

"Ah, now we're getting to the fun questions" she said dropped the necklace and leaning forward

"What do you mean?" I asked

"So full of questions now, when you should have been asking them before you made your deal with me" she said

I was staring to get really frustrated with Nyx.

"You saved so many lives, it's only fair you give me one in return" she said with an evil grin.

"That's not want I agree to!" I yelled.

"Oh but it is" she said snapping her fingers. A rolled up parchment appeared in her hand and she in rolled it to reveal the contract that Jason and I had signed in order to get the potion.

"It states right here that you each must give up a life" she said pointing one of the lines.

"You really should read things before you sign them" she said

"Both of us? We will never give you what you want!" I yelled

"Oh, but one of you already has" she said

"Jason would never" I said refusing to believe her.

"My dear child, he gave up his life to save the girl he loved" she said

"What? No...he can't be..." I couldn't finish my words but unfortunately Nyx could

"Dead? " she said grinning

Anger boiled up inside of me.
"So what!? You want my life now?!" I yelled

"Of course. But you've already given your life away to someone haven't you?" She asked in more of a matter of fact way.

"What-" I started but she stood from her throne and cut me off.

"Your life, your soul, your heart. They all belong to a girl on an island" she said taking a step forward with every word.

"Calypso" I whispered now terrified

"That's right. Bring me the girl and I'll change you back" she said

"NEVER!" I screamed as I opened my mouth to insinuate her with fire but she must have seen it coming because she side stepped just in time to save her life.

"You dare try and kill ME!?" she yelled

"The next time you see her she will be mine" she said glaring at me

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