Here For You

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~Poseidon's point~

I swam back and forth in my throne room as Hades came in.

"Have you had any word about where they may be?" He asked with a worried look. As scary as people found him there was no doubt he loved his son.

"Nothing" I said with a equally worried expression.
A seahorse swam in and we both turned expectantly

"Anything?" I asked

"No, Your Majesty. We haven't been able to find even a trace of any of them. We've. We've searched everywhere." The seahorse said

"If you've searched everywhere you would have found them!" Hades snapped

"Hades. We must try and keep a level head if we are to find them." I said and he calmed down a little

"Lord Hades does have a point though. Go back out and search again. Leave no shell unturned, and no coral unexplored. No one in this kingdom is to sleep until we find both boys and bring them home safe and sound." I said and the seahorse nodded and swam off

"Y-You haven't seen them show up in your kingdom have you?" I asked fearing the worst.

"No. Your son is still alive somewhere out there. If that what you're asking" Hades said

"It was" I said with a sigh of relief.

"I have been having people look throughout my kingdom as well just in case the worst does happen" Hades said

"What have we done?" I asked as I sat down on my throne and placed my head in my hands

Seahorse: Yes sire. (He leaves.) Triton: Oh, what have I done? What have I done?

~Jason's point~

I sat on the edge of Nico's bed and watched as he slept. The hand that was holding my arm had fallen through me. Apparently he couldn't touch me anymore unless he was focused which made since now that he was a human and I was still a ghost. I was about to get up when Nico's face turned worried and his hand clutched the sheets under him. I tried to shake him awake but I didn't work. I tried again and still nothing. He needed someone physically there to help him. I looked over at Percy but I knew there was no way I could wake him. That boy slept like the dead sometimes. I got up and searched for the only other person I felt he would be comfortable waking him. I hurried through wall after wall until I found the Will's room. I walked over to him and leaned down.

"You need to get up" I whispered in his ear and if I wasn't a ghost he would had hit me in the head as fast as his head shot up.

"Who's there?" He asked looking around then his eyes landed on me and went wide.

"J-Jason? But you died in the war" he said completely shocked.

"He needs help" I said not having time to explain.

"Who does?" Will asked

"Nico, the boy you helped earlier" I said and Will got up as fast as light and ran out the door.

~Will's point~

"You need to get up" I heard a vaguely familiar voice whisperer in my ear. I shot up as fast as I could.

"Who's there?" I asked looking around then my eyes landed on on someone I hadn't seen in years and my eyes went wide.

"J-Jason? But you died in the war" I said completely shocked.

"He needs help" Jason said without any explanation

"Who does?" I asked

"Nico, the boy you helped earlier" Jason said and I got up as fast as I could and ran out the door. I ran to the room we had the to men in throwing the door up. I looked to my right and saw the older brother sleeping soundly while drooling with a crab on his pillow which seemed really odd. Then I heard someone sharply inhale. I turned around and saw who I now knew what Nico and while I was glad to know his name I was not so glad to see him in the state he was. I quickly ran over to him and kelt at his bedside looking him over. His face was twisted in a look of pain and fear. Sweat covered his forehead and he was crying while clutching to his sheets. I pried his hand away from the sheets and held it in mine.

"N-Nico?" I asked. I felt weird saying his actually name but at the same time his name seemed to fit perfectly as it came out of my mouth.
The only response I got was him squeezing my hand tighter then he mouthed something and while I didn't catch what he said I now understood what was happening. he was having some kind of bad dream. I slowly got up still holding his hand. I sat down on the bed and pulled him to me as I laid against the headboard. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist as I rubbed calming circles on his back.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here for you" I whispered into his ear as he tightened his hold on my waist. I kept whispering comforting words to him while rubbing his back and he slowly calmed down. I tried to get up but he let out a single sob and held me closer. I let a small laugh espced and smiled

"Ok. I'll stay" I said running my fingers through his hair. He loosen his hold but didn't let go then he nuzzled into my chest. I moved slightly and he tightened his grip again.

"Don't worry. I'm just laying down" I said he loosened and I slid down the headboard and laid down next to him. He moved his arms from my waist and grabbed the front of my shirt and sniffed. I got the feeling that he was wake now.

"You know, it's okay to cry when you feel sad" I said.

"I promise I won't leave" I added and he broke into deep sobs. I felt his lips move against my chest as he tried to talk but I didn't say anything. Instead I wrapped in in my arm and held him close until we both fell asleep.

Here's a extra chapter since I missed Wednesday

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