Doctor Mode

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We walked into the castle and some of our servants ran up to meet us. A man and a woman
"What happened?" The women Lou Ellen asked

"They were in a shipwreck" I told her

"Where are their clothes" the man Cecil
Asked. Although Lou and Cecil were servants they were my two best friends.

"Honestly, I have no idea" I said with a slight chuckle.

"Ok.....what can we do to help?"

"Draw a bath and take him with you" Annabeth said and Cecil helped Seaweed brain walk towards the bathroom.

"What about him" Lou asked pointing at the man in my arms

"It's ok, I got him" I said with a slight blush then I turned to Annabeth.

"Go explain everything to Chiron, I'll meet you in the dinning hall as soon as I can" Annabeth gave me a nod and walked off.

"Lou, go with Annabeth in case she needs anything ok?"

"Sure thing" she said. she looked from the man to me and winked then she turned and walked towards Annabeth and left me full on blushing. I adjusted the man in my arms and walked to the bathroom with the smaller boy in my arm, Cecil opened the door as We approached

"Thank you" I told him as I walked in.
In the bathroom the tub was already half full and seaweed brain (I seriously need to stop calling him that, but it's all I know to call him) sat on a stool waiting.

"Could you bring me another stool please?" I asked Cecil the door he nodded and went over to a Supplie cabinet. I walked over to where the other man sat and placed the man in my arms down as a stool was set down.

I immediately went into was all my friends called doctor mode.
I placed one of my hand on his knee and the other under his calf and did a quick exam moving his leg back and forth and feeling around the lower part of his leg to make sure nothing was broken then I did the same with his other leg. Nothing seemed wrong. So I examined the upper part, nothing. I examined everything else like his arms, back, chest and head to make sure he had no injuries besides his wrist then I did the same for the other man. They both seem surprisingly fine the only thing that concerned me was how pale and thin the younger one looked. I went over to him and double check to make sure he did have a fever and that's when I noticed how red his face was.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I placed my hand on his forehead. It was a little to warm for my liking.

"Are you felling ok?" He pushed my hand away and mouthed I'm fine.

"Your clearly not, Your head is warm to the touch and your face is red" I said pointing at him. His eyes got wide and his face turned even redder. He quickly tried to cover his face in his hands and turned away.

"Looks like you made him blush" Cecil said in my ear which of course only made me blush myself.

"What? No I didn't that-that would indicate that he liked me and I'm pretty sure a guy that good looking is straight" I whispered back rubbing the back of my neck. He shrugged and walked off to tend to the tub. I put my hand on the man's shoulder

"I-I have to check one more thing is that ok?" He turned back around but didn't say anything so I took that as a yes. I placed my thumb on his lower lip

"Ahhh" I said as I opened his mouth then I managed to make the end of my finger glow without anyone noticing and used it as a light to look down his throat.

"Did you shallow any of the sea water?" I asked and he nodded

"Did your ship crash in that big storm?" It took a few minutes but he ended up nodding.

"Our ship crashed to" I said as I turned off my finger light and removed my hands. I looked at his eyes and got lost for a moment.

"Did you save.....all the people on your ship?" I mentally sighed that was not what I wanted to ask I had wanted to ask if he was the one who saved me but I chickened out.

He shrugged his shoulders in a I don't know way.

"Oh gods, you washed up didn't you? I'm being so insensitive! You probably don't even know if anyone else survive! I'm so sorry!" I freak out but he gently placed his hand on my arm. I didn't catch everything he mouthed but his eyes said it good enough, he was telling.  Me it was ok.

I cleared my throat in a nervous way, what was this man doing to me.
"Well your throat looked fine so I'm guessing you just strained your voice, it should come back in a few days at most but usually it doesn't take that long so we'll see"

He pointed at my shirt 
"Sorry" he mouthed

I looked down and only then realized that my shirt was wet. Oh yeah the cloth around his waist was wet when I picked him up.

"It's fine, I'll just get a new one. Hey Cecil could you get me a new shirt?"

"Yeah" he hollered back at me.
After a few minutes he came over and gave me a shirt. I quickly took the wet shirt off and put the dry one on.

"The bath's done by the way" he said as I tucked my shirt in.

"Okay" I looked down at the man

"You want to try walking again Death boy?" I said holding me hand out and he looked at me and gave me a death glared. Yep, I think I'll stick with that nick name.
I gave a small laugh and grabbed his hands and helped pull him up. He let go of my hands as he got up and put his arms out for support he wobbled and almost fell but he grabbed me by my forearms just before he did.
"Easy, not to fast" I said grabbing his waist
"Follow me, one foot then the other" I slowly walked backwards and guided him with me after a few good steps I grabbed his good hand and stood father away. He was a little more wobbly this way but he still managed to walk so after a moment I let go and he smiled as he walked by himself. To tell you the truth it was really cute and I found myself laughing again.

"Good job, now youtwo wash up and get some....more proper clothes on and Cecil will take you to the dinner hall when you're all done" I looked at Cecil

"Make sure he doesn't use his hand to much, I'm pretty sure he  fractured his wrist. It's fine if the wrappings get wet, the hot water will be good for him and I'll just rewrap it when they're done ok?"

"You got it" Cecil said doing a joking salute. I chuckled and walked out.

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