Can I find Solace?

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I shadow travelled next to Nyx and saw Percy jump from her head into the whirlpool.

I quickly went over to Percy as the whirlpool got bigger and swirled so much that in made an opening all the way down to the seafloor.

"Got a plan?" Percy yelled over the sound of the whirlpool

"Yeah, you de her while I try and find her weak spot" I yelled

"Why does everyone want me to disract. Her?" Percy asked as he summoned his sword riptide and swam down the whirlpool until he was at the bottom. He then started trying hack at her. Nyx looked down at him like he was a bug and tried to crush him. Luckily he was quite nimble even though he no longer had legs. I took this chance and stabbed her in the hip she screamed out in pain then with one swift motion she back handed me while I was pulled my sword out and I went sailing through the air and landed in the water about 20 feet away.

I shot out of the water and began to make my way back as quick as I could.
I looked at the boat that Will was on and saw arrows flying off of it and at Nyx. I also saw that it was moving towards her.

"Merda" I swore. He was supposed to stay safe not go right at Nyx.

"You puny pathetic fools!" Boomed the voice of Nyx

"You can never defeat me! I am the darkness of your nights! And you are in my domain!" She yelled and tried to blast Percy as I finally got back over to her. I raised my sword to attack but Nyx grabbed me

"I will crush you boy!" She yelled
she then squeezed and I cried out in pain as I felt like she was going to crush my rips. Then out of nowhere a light as bright as the sun shined from below and grow until I had to cover my eyes. I heard Nyx screaming then light dimmed and I fell into the water as Nyx explode in a cloud of darkness. I saw both my father and Percy's turn back into themselves and Percy was sitting and the sea floor smiling up at me.
I wasn't sure what had happened but she was gone, she was actually gone. I quickly shadow travelled to the boat with a grin on my face but my world shattered and my joy faded as I saw Annabeth and a boy I did know next to a man who was laying face down unmoving.

"Will?" I said quietly then I went over to him as fast as I could

"WILL!" I yelled I fell down next to him and turned him over felling his life draining as I touched him.

"No! No! No! No! Will please! You have to hold on! Please...." I said sobbing

"His fate has already been decided" I heard my father said

"NO!" I screamed at him hugging Will close to me

"YOU CAN'T! can't" I begged

"Father please, PLEASE!" I screamed.

" need to come home" my father said calmly.

"No! I'm not leaving him!" I yelled

"Nico, there's nothing you can do" He said reaching his hand down for me but I smacked it away

"Take my life!" I begged

"I can't do that, now it's time to go" He said grabbing my forearm and pulling me away from Will

"NO! PLEASE! PLEASE!" I screamed as we shadow travelled away.

3 months have pasted since that day. I have begged everyday for my father to at least let me see him but he always tell me he can't do that. I no longer did anything but sit in my room. I hadn't even taken the shirt I had from the surface off. Hazel told me when I got back that father had keep her in the underworld and under very close watch well I was on the surface. She and Jason tried their best to comfort me but nothing they did worked. My father walked into my room.

"I need you to come with me" he said

"And I slowly got up knowing there was no point fighting. I slowly followed him outside of my room, then door a hall, and down the staircase, and outside the castle then over to one of the rivers. I stopped and looked up at my father

"Where are we going?" I asked but he didn't answer. He only looked at me sadly then jumped into the water.
I followed him not understanding at all what was going on. We floated threw the river untill we emerged in the ocean and I saw Percy and his Father. Percy swam over and pulled me into a hug and I hugged back.

"Are you ready?" Percy's father asked

"No, but this needs to be done" my father asked.

"What's going?" I asked but they didn't answer. I looked at Percy hoping he knew something but he shook his head.

"I don't know" he said. I noticed that he had also not taken his shirt off and it was new turning green with algae and it had a hole or two. Our father's grabbed us and the shot upwards

"Father? What are you doing?" I asked. Then we broke the surface of the water and my Father hugged me and I froze.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep you close by.....I didn't want to lose you. But it seems that by keeping you locked away in the underworld that's exactly what has happened. Promise me that you will live happily and that you will come and see me some time" he said before letting go.

"What-" I started to ask before darkness enveloped me and after a moment I felt my feet touched the ground my nose was barely above the water. As the darkness faded it hit me. I looked down and saw that I had legs again then I looked over and Percy who had a huge grin on his face. I then followed his gaze looking behind us to see we were at Will's and Annabeth's castle.
I looked at my father completely stunned. He lend down and kissed my forehead then he smiled and vanished. And Percy's father swam away. Me and Percy made are way to the shore as fast as we could and I was glad that we at least had shirts this time and that the shirts hung just low enough. We made it to land and smiled

"Percy?!" I heard Annabeth yell

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled and as she ran down the hill the lead to the castle my heart sunk ad I remembered that Will was gone. I turned around and hung my head as a few tears fell. At least I knew that Percy was happy.

"Nico!" I heard and turned next in time to see Will as he threw his arms around me and knocked us to the ground

"Will?" I asked

"Gods, Will!" I hugged him as close as I could and cried

Will crashed his lips into mine and slowly pulled us up so that we were sitting.

"I-I thought I lost you" I sobbed as we pulled apart. I gently touch his face and he placed his hand over my and held it to his cheek.

"I was out for a few day. Annabeth was scared that I was going to die but I had something that held me there that kept me living." Will said

"What was that?" I asked

"You. All I had to do was think of your face" he said kissing me again. After a moment I pulled away and blushed as I suddenly remembered I was only wearing a shirt.

"C-Can we go in so I can get some pants?" I asked pulling the shirt as far down my legs as it would go.
Will looked down at my legs and blushed

"" he said helping me up.

I had to upload when I saw how many reads this had the day after Halloween

I had to upload when I saw how many reads this had the day after Halloween

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