2 - He's A Wizard

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The next morning Percy woke up, panicked not knowing where he was, then he remembered he was at his Aunt and Uncles.

Noticing Harry wasn't in the room, he went downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon, to find his Aunt serving breakfast. "Bout time you woke up." She snapped.

"Sorry. Jet lag." Percy apologiesed and got to eating his breakfast, next to Harry.

He had hardly finished eating his breakfast when the post came and Vernon got Percy to go get it. The post consiststed of two bills addressed to Vernon and one hand written one addressed to a,

"Perseus (Percy). R. Jackson
Smallest Bedroom
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

Percy confused as to who was writing to him in English and that knew where he lived and that he was in the smallest bedroom, opened the letter on the way back into the living room to give his uncle his bills.

Pulling the letter out of the envelope, he squinted at the cursive writing and cursed in Greek when he couldn't read it and turned to Harry who was looking at him with wide eyes, as Vernon read his bills, Dudley watched TV and Petunia did the dishes.

"Hey Harry, can you read this for me? I'm dyslexic and it's really hard." Percy asked.

"Sure Percy." Hary said and took his letter to read out loud. "Dear Mr Jackson, we are pleased to in form you that you have been excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Due to you moving around alot this year, your letter is late getting to you, so please send us an owl as soon as possible. Enclosed is a list of all necessary books and equipment. Someone will come to take you to collect your school things in two days. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress."

Harry smiled as he read the letter, his cousin will be able to go with him to Hogwarts. Percy just stared at Harry excited. His mother and his Godfather had told him all about Hogwarts, but his mom wouldn't let him go, saying that he would have enough on his plate as he got older and didn't need the stress of school.

Of course he didn't understand what she meant back then, but now he does. He was a demigod, and demigods have very stressful lives.

Neither boy noticed that Dudley had ran out of the room when Harry read the letter, terrified, and neither noticed how red with rage Vernon was as they raced up to their shared room, where Harry helped Percy send a reply also saying that he was dyslexic and his first language is Greek.

Percy also explain to Harry that his mom and Godfather told him all about Hogwarts and the fun they had. But also explains that his mom had gone to Hogwarts five years before his parents and Godfather.


True to the letters word, someone was there to take Percy to get his school supplies, but when Percy opened the front door, he instinctively gripped riptide in his pocket as he looked up at the half giant.

"Ah, ye' must be Percy." The giant said unaware of Percys defensive position.

"Hey Hagrid." Harry smiled brightly running down the stairs.

" 'Ello Harry." Hagrid beamed

"Can I come with you guys? I know I already got my school stuff so I don't have to come, but."

"Course you can."


They arrived at Gringotts, and walked in, and up to a Goblin that wasn't busy and Hagrid asked to be taken to Percys vault that he didn't know he had.

The Goblin looked down at Percy from his pedistal and ordered another Goblin to take them. They entered something that resembled a roller-coaster cart and went deep underground.

They kept going deeper and deeper until they were close to the bottom. When the cart stopped Percy got out feeling sick. He hated that thing, and by the looks of Hagrid, he did too.

The Goblin told Percy to make a shallow cut on his hand and to spread the blood on the door and he did. The door then shined an ocean blue and opened. Inside was stacks of the wizard currency, as well as drachmas. On the walls were tridents, armour, swords, spears and any other weapon you could think of.

Grabbing a small pouch next to a pile of coins, he scooped up a handful of each and left.


They got all of Percys school things, all his books in Greek. All that was left to get was a pet and a wand.

They went to the pet shop first and a small kitten caught his eye. The cat had grey eyes, that reminded him of Annabeth, fur as black as what Nico's eyes are and seemed as playfully as the Hermes cabin.

Percy smiled as he picked her up and took her to the owner to buy her. He paid for her and bought her some food and toys. He left the shop and saw Harry and Hagrid waiting outside to see what pet he had chosen.

"Her names Wise Girl." He told them as they cooed at her.

They then entered Olivanders wand shop, where an old man, who Percy assumed was Olivander, took Percy's measurements and made the boy try many different wands. So many that it started to get dark.

"A super tricky customer. Not that I don't like a challenge." The old man hummed to himself.

Olivander came out from the back covered in even more dust and handed Percy what must of been the thousandth wand and this time, he could smell the sea as a breeze swept through the shop, and warmth entered his heart.

" Hmmm. That's a very interesting wand there Mr Jackson. Created by my grandfather in his youth. 13½ inches, quite flexible, made of Blackthorn, Beech, and Cedar Wood, with Threstral tail hair. Now this is an interesting wand because they are normally only made with one type of wood. The Blackthorn says you will be a warrior, the Beech says you are wise beyond your years, and the Cedar says that you are unbelievably loyal and are not to be crossed. And the core says that you are not afraid to face death. "

Everyone stared at Percy, while Percy stared at the wand. It felt comfortable in his hand and looked beautiful, with the three woods blending together and little waves engraved into it.

Hagrid took them to the leaky cauldron for food before taking them to the train station to go back to the Dursleys.

When they got back to the Dursleys, it was pitch black and there was no doubt that the Dursleys were asleep, but luckily Harry knew where the spare key was kept and they snuck inside and went to bed.

The next morning Petunia almost had a heart attack when Harry and Percy walked into the kitchen ready for breakfast. No one realised they had come back from their trip from the magical world.

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