Author's note

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The photo you are looking at is my wonderful Home Screen. It brings me joy every time I see him, so I decided to share it with all of you. 🥰🥰🥰 anyway back to the actual post

*Nervous laugh*
Hi guys. I know it's been a while since you've heard anything from me. Life has been a little crazy these past few years... and I've just been lurking in the background of this account, not really posting anything.

But I promise that I will update this book and finish it. I have stepped away from fanfiction, so I have forgotten exactly how long it takes me to write one of these chapters but the new one will be up today. If anyone still cares to read this.

For this update y'all can thank
hiiacat for her constant harassment.
And anyone else that has asked for an update on this story.

Also, because of hiiacat bombardment of notifications my irl friend found out about my account and told me to "stop being a bitch and update it." And now she will not hangout with me till I do.😪😓

Also I would like to thank anyone that is still reading this. I had long since given up on the story, and the only reason I'm coming back to it is because you guys haven't. So I guess I'll finally give you the ending you have been waiting for.

Well it's time for me to scour my notes for this story and pray I left some ideas of how I wanted this story to go. Anyway until later today when I post.

Robin Where stories live. Discover now