Chapter 207

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    Gu Feng sat outside holding the child for a while, and Gu Jiarui really started to cry.

    Gu Feng held a milk bottle soaked in milk powder in his hand and expertly fed Gu Jia Rui Kuma.

    He finished feeding this mini bastard, watched him calm down, and entered the daily world observation and daddy observation session with his big round eyes. He was also relieved, and after thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone. , Made a call to Anna.

    Anna quickly picked it up: "Mr. Gu?"

    "Anna," Gu Feng said after thinking about it. "Recently, pay close attention to the situation of Xinxingsheng's company. If appropriate, consider buying a large amount of their stock. When it exceeds a certain share, the company will be packaged into an industry together with several of our media companies, and sold at a high price." Mr.

    Gao once bullied Yu Baoyuan before, and this account has to be settled.

    He won't save any face for this person anymore. Everyone is in the business world and swallows the weak with a strong force, which is extremely normal.

    Anna wrote down what Gu Feng said with a pen over there, and asked: "Okay, I understand. Is there anything else?"

    "No, just stare at the situation and report to me if something happens. . "

    " Okay, "

    Gu Feng received the phone, holding the hands of children, but also quietly entered the room.

    really not expected Gu Feng, the high total of the company's recent big shock.

    high total already He lost three major projects. In the end, he was clutching like a lifeboat. A big investment movie that fought back against the water. After it was released, it gained a total of 9.6 million square kilometers and fifty-six ethnic groups. Liuzhihua uses hundreds of thousands of dialects to swear and criticize. The

    box office naturally only has two words, rushing to the street. The

    cost can not be recovered.

    Now the Gao Zong brokerage company, the capital chain is completely broken, and the investor advertises Shangquan withdrew, and the stock fell off a cliff. At a certain point, Anna's account was purchased in large quantities, and the company was about to change ownership.

    Anna Gu Feng phone to report these cases, when sigh again and again: "total care Liaoshirushen ...... we really do not want to open up entertainment production

    ? Cluster's it,"

    "do not have that intention," Gu Feng hands playing with A watch, "It's just normal business competition and prediction."

    Anna nodded, hesitated there, and still said: "There is another thing...I need to report."

    Gu Feng raised an eyebrow. "You said."

    "This year is really eventful," Anna sighed, "Lu's situation has also been bad during this period."

    "I have heard something, you can talk about it in detail." Gu Feng calmly said.

    "That's the case. Before Lu Yang took over, Lu Yang was mainly engaged in the real economy. After Lu Yang took over, he opened up new

    development lines such as cultural, creative media and e-commerce . That's why Lu Yang can be so avant-garde and so good. Anna paused, "But since Lu Yang was kicked out of the Lu family and let that Lu Yan take over, he has no experience and vision in this area, and he has a lot of money to eat."

    Gu Feng nodded, Lu Yan and Lu. Yang, he still knows who is the great hero of the Lu family.

    "In recent years, the real economy has encountered a cold winter. Lu's original industry can no longer support the volume, and can only rely on the newly developed pillars of Luyang. But Lu Yan lacks vision and insufficient means. Lu's several major industries It has been wearing out in his hands, and recently encountered changes in government policy,

    I am afraid..."

    "I think the Lu family should be in a mess now." Gu Feng held the phone and nodded secretly.

    Although he had eaten Lu Yang's jealousy, he also recognized Lu Yang's methods.

    With such a move to retreat for advancement, the Lu's enterprise was in a precarious manner. Lu Yan wanted to continue to sit as the president, and the rest of the Lu family would not be willing again. And the importance of Lu Yang to the Lu family is therefore more obvious.

    As long as the Lu Family asks Lu Yang to come back, then Lu Yang has a bargaining chip.

    As for whether the chips are sufficient or not, what Lu Yang wants to exchange for this chips...presumably he has already considered it himself.

    When Gu Feng hung up the phone, he was thinking, this time, Lu Yang and Lu Yang are probably the biggest beneficiaries of Lu's chaos.

    Lu Yang is really good at it!

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