Chapter 208

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    Gu Feng stood in front of the large French window and hung up the phone.

    He turned around and walked into the bedroom rented by Yu Baoyuan, where people were listening to music.

    After Yu Baoyuan's surgery, the hematoma in his brain has been successfully removed. With some of the latest therapies researched by the experts himself, his vision recovered quickly, only about a week, and his vision was much better than the blurry state before the surgery. Now you can see the shape of something.

    Although his vision was restored quickly, Gu Feng keenly noticed that Yu Baoyuan's mood seemed to be depressed day by day during this period.

    Specifically, Yu Baoyuan became too lazy to move every day, and often liked to hold something against the wall in a daze. Even the music in the headphones changed from the original best-selling golden song to the sad and sad erhu.

    He was flustered at first, thinking that he was doing something badly. After careful thinking and searching for information, he was shocked. It turned out that Yu Baoyuan's mother's death day would not be long.

    He sat next to Yu Baoyuan, took one of his earphones, and said, "Baoyuan, I'll take you out for shopping."

    Since Gu Feng knew the reason for Yu Baoyuan's depression, he began to think of various ways to make him feel depressed. He relieved his mood. In the past few days, he insisted on taking Yu Baoyuan to the nearby park to relax. The effect was not bad.

    When Yu Baoyuan heard Gu Feng's words, he nodded: "I know."

    Gu Feng took Yu Baoyuan up and held Gu Jiarui lying next to him with one hand, feeling very satisfied in his heart. He just took Yu Baoyuan and Gu Jiarui out of the large living room, and was about to walk out the door, when Yu Baoyuan suddenly stopped: "Forget about it." After

    that, he turned around and turned towards someone with misty eyes. He waved his hand in one direction: "Come here."

    "Miao Yiyi"

    Taro screamed softly, and with a brisk little footstep, Taro followed.

    They just went to the nearby park with two adults, one baby and one cat.

    Towards the evening, there were not too few people in the park. But because this is exclusive to the high-end villa area, the park is large but outsiders can't enter, so it still looks a bit empty.

    It's okay to be open, Gu Feng thought, just to avoid being disturbed by others.

    He took someone to find a place near the landscape mountain in the park and sat down.

    In the early spring, the world thaws. The wind was still cold, and it poured straight into his neck.

    "Is it cold?" Gu Feng worried.

    Yu Baoyuan shook his head: "Much more comfortable than the air conditioner in the room."

    Gu Feng hummed, holding Yu Baoyuan's hand without letting go.

    He seemed to be thinking about something. He looked at the scenery in the distance for a long time before turning his head and seriously saying to Yu Baoyuan, "Baoyuan, or... move it back?"

    Taro lay on Yu Baoyuan's lap. Yu Baoyuan was kneading the soft and hairy body of taro with his hands like noodles. He was taken aback when he heard Gu Feng's words: "Didn't I already move back?"

    "I mean, to terminate the rental relationship." Gu Feng's hand rubbed the back of Yu Baoyuan's hand. "Then, the house you live in is just a guest room, and the conditions are not the best. I want you to move. What do you think of our original bedroom?"

    Yu Baoyuan groaned and said nothing.

    This decision is not easy for him.

    Although he lives in Gu Feng's big villa now, at any rate, he pays Gu Feng the same rent, utilities and property fees as the market price every month, so he has no psychological burden at all.

    But if you don’t need to pay to live for free, you still move to the same bedroom with

    Gu Feng ... Gu Feng seemed to see through Yu Baoyuan’s thoughts, and gently hugged people over: “I’m not forcing you to get back with me right away. The reason why I put forward this idea is to give you the best conditions and take care of you better.”

    Yu Baoyuan still hesitated.

    "I heard that it is very popular to live together before marriage. Before we get married, we will see if it is appropriate to live together. If it is suitable, we will tie it, and we will divide it if it is inappropriate." Gu Feng's Adam's apple rolled over. Cohabitation. If you are willing to accept me, are satisfied with my performance, and are willing to believe in me, then we will get back together. If you are not satisfied..."

    Gu Feng said that, suddenly he couldn't continue.

    Yu Baoyuan's lips curled up with a smile: "What if I am not satisfied?"

    "Then I will change it until you are satisfied and relieved." Gu Feng quickly kissed Yu Baoyuan on the cheek. I can't give up on you anyway, don't want to throw me away."

    Yu Baoyuan thought to himself, nodded in Gu Feng's eagerly expectant eyes.

    Gu Feng was so happy that he almost didn't jump up.

    He waited for so long, prepared for so long, and finally got the approval of his family treasure.

    The thought of moving back later, and sleeping with Yu Baoyuan in their shared bedroom tonight, he was so excited that he couldn't wait for a moment.

    Just when he was so happy, a discordant voice rang in his ears: "Mr. Gu."

    Gu Feng turned his head and looked at him. It turned out that it was Mr. Gao, who hadn't seen each other for almost a week.

    Mr. Gao looked a little haggard, the dark circles under his eyes were too heavy, and he didn't have much energy. Although he had a smile on his face, that smile was extraordinarily forceful and lifeless.

    There was another man standing beside him, his head slightly lowered. But Gu Feng recognized it. It was the male star who held his belt buckle with his mouth under the table at the banquet that day.

    He immediately guarded Yu Baoyuan and his son like a kid, and asked with caution: "What is the matter with Mr. Gao coming today?" Mr.

    Gao saw Gu Feng's guarded appearance and gave a wry smile: "Mr. Gu , You don't need to guard me. Look, just like me, is it enough for you to punch?"

    Gu Feng looked at Mr. Gao's current appearance of kidney deficiency, but he really couldn't hold his punch.

    Mr. Gao feels free to find a place to sit next to Gu Feng: "Mr. Gu, I came to you today for the company's business. I must have heard of the difficulties of Goldman Sachs Entertainment during this time, right?"

    Gu Feng nodded: "Gao Zong Investment's movie has lost again, and the recent stock market is not good."

    "What's more," Gao Zong shook his head bitterly, "The capital chain is broken. If this continues, I may have to

    I’ve filed for bankruptcy protection." "Oh," Gu Feng said indifferently, "I believe Mr. Gao can survive." When

    he said this, Mr. Gao immediately felt that Gu Feng had no intention of helping him, maybe. Still angry.

    He sighed: "Ms. Gu, at the banquet that day... I made my own opinion. The main reason was that Cheng Yu admired you very much, so...

    Well, I should scold and scold. Cheng Yu, come on, Apologize to President Gu."

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