Chapter 211

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    When Yu Baoyuan woke up the next day, he saw Gu Feng's face vaguely as soon as he raised his head.

    The blur at this moment, accompanied by the soft light coming in through the curtains, seemed to have the beauty effect of a camera, and Yu Baoyuan was suddenly hit by Gu Feng's handsome face.

    Although annoying this guy, I have to admit that the face is still very good.

    The figure is fine too.

    It's just getting a little annoying now, which makes him a little uncomfortable sometimes, Yu Baoyuan thought in his heart, couldn't help but stretched his waist, this action suddenly awakened Gu Feng, who had always been sleeping very lightly.

    Gu Feng woke up, his eyes narrowed, and then he sat up halfway: "Wake up?"

    "...What time is it?" Yu Baoyuan asked.

    "It's still early

    at half past nine ." Yu Baoyuan rubbed his eyes, feeling that the scene in front of him became clearer. "It's still early at half past nine? Didn't you go to work at 8 o'clock before?"

    "I'm the president of the company. I can be the master for myself," Gu Feng smiled and quietly grabbed Yu Baoyuan's shoulders, "Before, work was more important than everything. Now...I think I can sleep with you for a while, which is more duty than going to work."

    Yu Baoyuan He cut, got up, put on slippers, and went to wash in the bathroom.

    Gu Feng looked at Yu Baoyuan's back, and for a long time, he also got up silently from the bed.

    Today is the death day of Yu Baoyuan's mother, and Yu Baoyuan will certainly not forget it, and of course he Gu Feng did not dare to forget it.

    Gu Feng has already figured out today's work schedule: the high-level meeting at noon must be attended, but the meeting can be resolved within two hours. The documents that have to be handled in person today can be processed in one hour, and another hour to straighten out some chores, and there is enough time left to accompany Bao Yuan to dinner, and then accompany him to the cemetery to see his mother.

    After he had planned everything, he also washed up and had breakfast with Yu Baoyuan.

    In the small restaurant, Uncle He prepared a small bottle of formula milk to feed Gu Jia Ruishou with a rigorous attitude. According to Uncle He, this formula is what he asked for an old mother who is very experienced in the local area. It contains nutrients that are very suitable for the baby's growth and is the best for Gu Jiarui's growth and development.

    Uncle He took Gu Jiarui from Yu Baoyuan with a smile, and with full love, he watched Xiao Jiarui sucking the formula in the bottle one by one: "Oh, Ruirui is really amazing. Okay. Really good, really good..." The

    little guy's eyes were slick and shiny, and he looked particularly likable.

    Yu Baoyuan looked at this scene and shook his head helplessly.

    Uncle He really spoiled Gu Jiarui too much.

    I'm spoiled like this now, and when I grow up, I'm afraid that Gu Jiarui, this little bastard, will be spoiled by more uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

    He sighed, bowed his head and sipped the black rice porridge.

    Gu Feng heard Yu Baoyuan sigh, silently put down the spoon in his hand, and said softly, "In the evening, I will accompany you to the Nanshan Cemetery."

    Yu Baoyuan was startled: "You know today is..."

    "I Always remember," Gu Feng nodded solemnly, "I'll take you with you, okay?"

    Yu Baoyuan nodded silently, lowered his head and finished breakfast.

    After breakfast, he said to Gu Feng: "I have to go to the store in a while. It's been a long time. I have to see the situation."

    Gu Feng agreed, and graciously sent Yu Baoyuan to the company before going to work. In the Super Yuanbao store, watching him walk into the store door, he closed the car door comfortably and drove to Gu.

    Although Yu Baoyuan's eyes were still a little fuzzy, they weren't that in the way. Be careful not to hit or fall.

    He walked into the Super Ingot. Today's business in the store is so-so, so the clerk in it is quite relaxed. He Hui and the others were already busy wiping the table, but when they saw Yu Baoyuan, they rushed over with a pleasant surprise: "Boss, how are you doing?"

    Yu Baoyuan smiled and nodded: "I have had the operation for some time, and I have recovered pretty well."

    "Congratulations, come and sit down." He Hui took Yu Baoyuan to the side and sat down.

    Yu Baoyuan smiled and said, "Is the store okay during this time?"

    "It's not a problem at all. The turnover is choppy every day," He Hui said with an assertive confidence, "Boss, don't worry.

    " Can you all be busy?"

    "It may have been difficult before, now the boss, you have hired an extra employee, it is much easier." When

    Yu Baoyuan heard He Hui's words, he was still a little confused, and suddenly remembered that before his surgery, Lu Yang said that he wanted him to provide Xiong Wudan with a job, and raised his eyebrows: "Is it Xiong Wudan?" As

    soon as he landed this, there was a heavy male voice in the small kitchen over there, "Sisters, It's dinner!"

    After the loud noise like Zhong Kui sounded, Yu Baoyuan turned his head and saw a majestic man in the cute work clothes in the shop and appeared in his field of vision.

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