Chapter 18

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Cameron and Maria fixed Esmeralda's quarters. "Thank you" Esmeralda said. The two elleths bowed and smiled. Then, they left the room. 

The new guest walked into the throne where she met the king.  "I know you still think I am a traitor." The glacie said. "I can tell you now, I am not. Glacie's are very loyal." She said. 

"Stay away from me. I know your plans." He replied.

She chuckled. "I was the one who kept Merideth safe. A few of your people have tried to come in the palace to get the queen. I stopped them before your guards did." 

"Impossible. My guards are trained. They are the best of their kind in the whole Middle Earth. These elves have fought in many wars. They have gone through so much experience that trying to hurt them would be impossible." He explained. 

"Well, If you say so, but how can an elder witch get into the palace if your guards are as you say?" Esmeralda shockingly knew about Khalina. 

The king was shocked but before he could say anything to her, she had left the room. 

"I will never be fond of her." The king reassured himself. He knew one thing, glaciers are never loyal to elves. Merideth was only loyal to him because he had helped her, others like her, however, were impulsive. 

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