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Yunnie turned around to face him, horrified

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Yunnie turned around to face him, horrified.

"Jisoo wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." He repeated, words getting clearer. Yunnie felt her eyes blur with tears at the memory of her late lover.

"She cared for you, Yunnie. She really did. It was just that Seyeon was her only happiness." Lee Suho could feel his eyes water too.

"But I was there for her. I was right in front of her! WHY DIDN'T SHE LOOK AT ME? WHY?!" Yunnie yelled out, frustrated and bursting into tears. Suho crumpled inside at the sight before him.

"She wasn't.......You know..." Suho couldn't force himself, afraid of hurting the already hurt girl in front of him.

"So what? I was there for her... As a friend..." Her voice suddenly got low, as she whimpered. She really hated herself for being so vulnerable. For being so weak. Her father was right. She was weak. She was useless.

"You know Suho? My love for her was like a song. But she never liked singing." Suho felt immense pity towards the Kim girl.

"Seyeonie... He was her song. Couldn't you feel happy for them?" Suho fired back.

"But what about me?"

"They were happy-"

"But she forgot about me! Completely!!!" Yunnie had tears streaming down her face and Suho's tears were beginning to fall too. Slowly, but surely.

"I get it if she had him as her first! But I could have taken anything else! Second, third-anything! But I didn't even place!" Yunnie whimpered painfully once more.

"She threw me away! She-"

"SHE HAD DEPRESSION GODAMMIT!" Suho burst. He yelled at her. Yunnie stared at him, awe-struck.


"Seyeon thought about you both every day! He kept blaming himself for your separation! He used to bug Seojun and me about it all the time! That's how I know about y'all! He was a pure soul, Yunnie..... He tried to get Jisoo to talk to you every time! But she was the one who denied it."

Yunnie sighed, taking a moment to regain her composure.

"I-i'm sorry.."

Suho hesitated, before taking her into his arms once more,

"Cry it out."

And then and there, Kim Yunnie, the fearless officer. The ice princess. The cold beauty. She broke down. She sobbed and sobbed, cried and wailed. Finally letting out her bottled up emotions into his chest.

Suho patted her back as Yunnie sniffed. They stayed like that for a few minutes but hurriedly broke apart when they heard some voices behind them.

"I want to go home!" Suho panicked and made a run for it, but not before sending her a smile. He ran the other way but Yunnie hid behind a near tree, staying there, in case someone got hurt.

A group of people, who Yunnie noticed to be Seojun's friends, approached the well. However, Seojun wasn't there.

'Ah, that's the well they wanted to look for.'  She thought to herself, connecting the dots.

They walked closer to the well, whispering to each other while Chorong talked, filming with the camera. As they got closer and closer, they became more and more scared.

Suddenly, a green-faced woman who Yunnie noticed, with a jolt, was Lim Jugyeong, popped up from behind the well, scaring everyone. Yunnie immediately felt rage brewing inside of her.

The boys screamed and made a run for it, one friend even fell and pulled down the pants of the other, revealing his underwear. Yunnie however, stayed still behind the tree. Teeth grinding against each other.

Jugyeong walked out of her hiding spot and looked around. Yunnie stayed put, watching her every move. 

Then, Han Seojun walked into the scene, calling out for his friend. Jugyeong immediately ran back to her hiding spot, but apparently thought better and climbed up a nearby tree. He looked at the well and said,

"oh? The well is here though? Where did they go?" He looked around.

Yunnie looked over to Jugyeong, then back to Seojun. She thought for a second, and then made a run for the tree Jugyeong was on. Yunnie hid behind that tree, successfully doing so without being noticed by either of them. Despite her anger burning, Yunnie held her arms out, ready to catch Jugyeong if she fell.

All was silent, but then, Jugyeong's phone chimed as a sign of a  notification. Seojun looked at the tree, Jugyeong was on, and then widened his eyes.

And just as Yunnie predicted, Jugyeong fell into her arms. Jugyeong screamed even more as she looked at Yunnie's face, which was full of indignation and she jumped out of her arms, running past Seojun who let out a,

"WHOA!" And fell back in tiny.

Yunnie ran after Jugyeong, but couldn't as she tripped over Seojun's leg which caused her to fall on Seojun. The two stared at each other. Seojun lifted his hand to caress her cheeks as he said,

"Were you crying?" Yunnie disregarded his question as her eyes flickered to his red lips, Seojun doing the same.

But then, Yunnie snapped out of it and suddenly thought of Jugyeong. She looked up to see a white dress running far away in a distance.

"That bitch." Yunnie's eyes burned with irritation as her nostrils flared with anger. Seojun found her cursing super hot and he could feel himself getting red in the face. Kim Yunnie was lying on top of him. 

But that was the least of Yunnie's worries at that moment. Not even close. She was thinking of ways to murder Jugyeong. Why?

"She overheard us this whole time," Yunnie growled. "That git overheard us and just stayed there...Aish that bitch!" 

"Who us?" Seojun asked. Yunnie looked down on him and got up, holding out a hand for him, which he took, standing in front of her.

"Goodnight." She told him. Seojun just stood there as she walked away. Placing a hand on his chest as he felt his heartbeat race.

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