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"Kid! What the hell! What happened to you?!" Tony ran over to me as I walked in the door.

"Thanoss army vs Asgardian. I helped a little." I laughed. "My legs are getting numb though." I laughed. Loki walked in.

"What in the Norms." He ran over. "Hold still let me heal you." I was so exhausted and tired I felt if I healed myself I would keel over and die or something. "There... Now will you tell me what happened to you?!"

"Thanos was at Nidavellir and got the gauntlet then sent his army to kill the giants so Odin sent his army to protect them. I helped and also got Thor a new weapon which he was supposed to get in the future but since I changed a lot of things I got it for him." I smiled.

"You are one crazy woman." Loki kissed me and didn't back away. But I did. "What?"

"Loki. The end is coming to a close in maybe 2 years. And after that....." Loki shoot his head. "I will stay as long as I can but I have to go back at some point. Give you back your childhood friend."

"I rather you than her." He cupped my cheek and I leaned into it. "Maybe I will see you in the future. I do live for 5,000 years." No... no you won't. I smiled and turned to Tony.

"Hey. I need the tesseract." Tony crossed his arms and lifted his brow. I rolled my eyes. "It's got the sake of the future asshole. Now hand it over before you create another evil robot." I laughed.

"Kid.... sometimes I think you are more powerful than Fury." He laughed.

"Well I am headstrong and from the future." I shrug. "How did threatening go?"

"Oh. The compound is now their prison and Rhodes and I are still there puppets."

"But you won't listen. You will keep him on hold because you just love watching the blinking light." I laugh.

"Do you know everything." He laughs. I shrug. "I'll go case up the blue block. Keep your boy toy away from it." He walks away.

"He isn't a boy toy!" I yelled back. I can hear him laughing. "Loki I swear to God if you try anything with the tesseract I'll kill you." I gave him a stern glare. He smiled.

"Oh darling I won't." He kissed my forehead. "No. What is a boy toy?" Oh god.....

"Bucky!" I walked down the hall of rooms. I didn't actually know where everyone's room was.

"Yea?" He peaked his head out of him room.

"Come on. I'm taking you to get an upgrade." Bucky needs to get rid of that HYDRA arm and get a Wakanda one. It looks sexier anyway.

"Ok give me 10 minutes. I'll meet you.....?"

"I'll be in the jet out front." He smiles and nods. I walk back into the living room.

"Kid. I got the case." He hold up the case with the tesseract.

"Thanks." I take it from him. "Glad I can stop worrying now that it's off your hands." I laugh

"Hey." He huffed.

Bucky met me at the jet. I have to force Loki to stay here or else I'll go on strike. He is so protective, which I saw that personality in the movies but real life.... it's cute.

"So this place is run by T'Challa?" Bucky asks as we step out of the jet. I nod. "You sure this is ok. Did you even tell them we were coming?"

"No." I laughed. "But when Shuri hears you need an upgrade she might just trap you here. She loves upgrading."

"Miranda!" Shuri walks up to me with a huge smile. "What bring you here. I am almost finished with the glove you asked for."

"Shuri meet Bucky. Bucky needs an upgrade." I lifted Buckys arm and she takes it and starts examining it.

In Another Life • A Loki/Fixing Marvel FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now