Loki- Variant pt2

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"We will figure out what's going on." Loki started.

"Loki the time keepers are fake!" Sylvie said.

"Sylvie, lisson-" Loki couldn't finish before he was pruned.

"Ugh! Am I dead? Is this Valhalla?" Loki asked.

"No, but you will be in a minute." I said noticing I'm the only Thor variant.

"Come with us if you don't want to die." Kid Loki said.

"I'm not taking orders from a kid! And why is there an alligator?" Loki asked getting up.

"HE'S A LOKI!" We all yelled in usion.

*Time skip*

"What's your nexus event?" Loki asked old Loki and Boastful Loki.

"I survived Thanos." Old Loki said.

"Alligator here are the wrong neighbors cat." Boastful Loki said. He pissed the gator of and it jumped at Boastful Loki, old Loki grabbed it and threw it back in the pool.

"I killed Captain America and Iron man." Boastful Loki boomed.

"What about about you, your Majesty?" Loki asked.

"I killed Thor." The kid said.

"What about her?" Loki asked nodding tords me. Seeing how I was holding my locket that handed around my neck.

"She doesn't talk to us much, so we really don't know." Old Loki said. Loki got up and walked over to me and sat down.

"Are you even a Loki? There is already a woman variant of me." He said.

"No I'm a variant of Thor. But I still know magic because father always said 'women sent meant to fight'." I said.

"What's your story then?"

"I couldn't save my girlfriend and didn't die in the fire that killed her."

"Sylvie, the woman variant of me, said she had a sister that was named Thora-" He started.

"Wait, Sylvie! That's my sister we gave each other nick names for when we where visiting the town. I chose Sylvie because it was sounded powerful, she chose Willow because I liked the woods and the out doors." I said.

"That's wonderful." Loki said.

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