Bucky- Hydras Puppet

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As I was walking through the halls I saw Bucky walking to the gym with a bunch of men. I waved to him he just stared forward instead of waving back.

"Something is wrong." I said to Kate.

"Like what?"

"Bucky is here, and I think he's with Hydra. Get ready for a fight." I said as we walked on stage for our choir concert. We where in the small gym due to the 4-H club being in the big one.

"You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?" We sung. That's when one of the men shot at the ceiling.

"Come on Kate!" I yelled as I opened the flacon wings and flew up just a little out of their reach.

"Everyone out, come on!" She said getting all the people out.

"Holen Sie sich den fliegenden." (Get the flying one.) The man in charge said.

"Damnit Buck don't brake my suit or Sam's going to have your ass!" I yelled as I flew in the corner of the ceiling. Kate shot a taser arrow at Bucky while I flew down and kicked him.

"Friday get the avengers down here." I said.

"Yes ma'am."

I flew over a group of men and dropped down in the middle then spun with my wings out. They all fell knocking them out. I ran over to some kids that where hiding and ran them to the door. I got all of them out except one. Bucky ran over and knocked me down. Kate ran over and tried to choke him. He through her off of him and started to punch me.

"Teaser arrow...... His head..." I barely said.

She shot it at him and he fell off of me. Another guy ran and started to fight Kate while I tried to get Bucky's robot arm off.

Sam, Clint, and Banner just walked through the door when Bucky picked up a chair and hit me with it. Bruce picked him up and held him tight to where he can't fight anyone anymore. Ross came in and tried to arrest Bucky but Sam told him no.

"Ross you where here the whole time and didn't think about calling the Avengers, why?" I asked.

"You two had them." He said.

"Barely! We could always use backup with Hydra. We got our asses kicked and on top of it my wing suit is down." I said and punched him.

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