Part 37

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When Arnav didn't move. Aman shake him and said "Arnav get ready we are going to see doctor."

Arnav move to bathroom to change his clothes because his clothes had blood on them. Aman sit on the bed and thinking what is happening. He know that there is something which he didn't know till now about real ASR. He hear the bathroom door open.

Arnav said "Aman I can't go out of the palace to doctor place. I can't hurt ma, can you bring the doctor at outhouse through back door. I don't want anyone to know about this."

Aman "ofcourse Arnav I will call him. Are you going to outhouse."

Arnav "yes I am going their."

Arnav call NK to come to outhouse and make sure no one get to know about it. Aman move to the backside of the palace where he has to wait for doctor to take him to Arnav.

NK was going to outhouse. Jhanvi saw him, she call him. NK ask "ma you call me."

Jhanvi ask him to come with her to her room. They went to room and Jhanvi lock the door after them.

Jhanvi "Nikhil I want something from you."

NK "what ma."

Jhanvi "Nikhil Subhadra Malik in Shantivan." NK is shocked because she is there that means problem for his Bhai. Jhanvi know what her son is thinking.

Jhanvi "I know Nikhil you are worried even I am worried for same. Her presence is always bring bad luck to us. That is why I want you to be careful. Nikhil you have to be always with your bhai and bhabhi. She will target Khushi because may be Anjali told her about Khushi."

Jhanvi "Nikhil we already lost your Papa because of that woman. I can't loose Arnav because of her. Nikhil what I am telling you listen carefully and don't your brother to know."

NK "ma what is it. Is it related to bhai."

Jhanvi "Nikhil guruji check Arnav and Khushi both kundali. Arnav coronation is done on next day of their marriage that is 12th I already talk to Arnav. Nikhil he know about our family history but we didn't told you whole history of our family."

Jhanvi took a deep breath and thought now is time for Nikhil to know also.

Jhanvi "your Dada ji was 16 year old when his parents are murdered. No one know who did this. He run away with his friend who is the son of their loyal gaurd. They both run away and stated new life away from Marwar in Punjab. His friend got married to a girl from a Sikh family. But your grandfather want to get his parents legacy back. They come to Lucknow and started a business their he met Subhadra Malik who is daughter of a landlord in a village near to Lucknow. He fell in love. They got married soon but your grandfather didn't told her anything about his family not about his friend. Subhadra Malik is so proud of her being Malik. They try to get the Marwar back. His friend help him. They are fighting a legal battel in Delhi in between your dadi got pregnant with your Papa. After your Papa's brith he got to know the true colour of his wife. She is selfish, self-centred and manipulating women but he didn't say anything. When your father bron on that same date court give a verdict in their favour. His friend is coming to give him this new but he had to leave for Punjab because his wife is sick. After a month and half she died and left him with a child. He gave his son to his wife's brother and sister in law. He came Lucknow to tell you Dada ji about verdict. After knowing all this he is so happy. They went to Delhi to do the formalities and come here. He met with our Kula Guru who told him to ascend the throne but he said his son and daughter in law will be King and Queen of Marwar."

Jhanvi remember his father in law and husband. She didn't know much about his friend except the stories what Arvind told him. Jhanvi saw that NK is looking at her.

Jhanvi "Papa went to Lucknow and his friend stay here to take care of Marwar. Days turn in months and months turn into years. Years later in an accident his friend also died till then your Chacha ji also born. Your Dada ji send both his son to boarding school with his trusted man away from his wife."

Jhanvi "your great grandparents was the last King and Queen who ascend the throne now it's Arnav and Khushi. You know rest of the history."

NK "ma I got what you said but I didn't understand what you want me to do."

Jhanvi "Nikhil by ascending the throne Arnav become the King after 2 generation in every real sense. I am Queen just for formally. Your father and I never got coronation. I am acting on behalf of Arnav."

Jhanvi "Nikhil according to Arnav horoscope his life is in danger. If anything happen to him then the throne will be empty with King. You have to protect him with your life at any cost. I know I am asking huge favour from you. If situation arise give your life for your brother. Being a mother it's not easy to say but being Raja Mata I order you to do this if needed."

NK kept his hand on his mother head and said "ma I promise you the I will give my life for bhai and bhabhi if needed. Relax and get yourself ready for your son marriage."

Jhanvi hug NK and their is tear in both of them eyes. They both know how difficult it is for them.

NK "ma can I go. I need to go to look after the preparation of my bhai's marriage." He said with teasing smile.

Jhanvi slap his shoulder and said " go"

NK come out of her room and look behind to saw his mother who is said. He know she is said that she ask one of her son's life for other.

NK come to outhouse and find the doctor treated his bhai's wound. He ask "doctor how bhai's hand."

Doctor said "wound is deep and it will take time to heal. It's not that big to get stitching but make sure to not get it wet. Change the bandage twice a day."

Doctor went away. NK turn to Aman and ask "Aman how is bhai wound did you see how deep it is "

Arnav said "I am sorry."

NK "bhai what happen that Chacha ji is worried, you did this and not to forget I saw fear in Shashi uncle and Aman's eyes "

Arnav " Akhil leave all these I am fine."

NK "I know I am your baby brother but I am not kid to not understand that it something really serious which force you to act that way. You think what you will tell ma and other about your hand." 

Arnav " I don't know what to tell them especially ma and Khushi they are very difficult to convinced. I will think about it but you both don't know about my hand to be injured. If anyone ask tell them even you don't know. I already ask Ravi (worker at palace) to clear my room and Aman you arrange the mirror to be fixed." Arnav himself is scared of his ma reaction.

NK "bhai I know the matter is serious that is why you react like that but please bhai think before your action you are not alone we all are affected by your act. Now you are getting married please don't do something like this again."

Arnav "I promise Akhil I will not do something like in future."

Arnav thought "I need to talk to Chacha ji before that find the excuse to tell others."

Eid Mubarak 

Gift from my side on Eid I ope you all like your gift.

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