Part 65

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Khushi saw questions in Arnav eyes and she know he want answer for those questions.

Khushi took deep breath "Anjali killed Neeti Didi by multiple stabbed and Deviyani and Subhadra cover for her. They are behind that Neeti Didi didn't get justice. I hate all of them. I will give them pain everyday. Arnavji I am telling you before because I don't want you to be sad later. I am going to kill Anjali's children later may be in a month or two. I will make Anjali barren, regarding Shyam I already plan to snatch his manliness soon than there is full stop for his offspring."

Arnav is not shocked because he is not surprised with their cruelty. But one thing which strike him is that Khushi is saying children.

Arnav "Khushi how many children Anjali have "

Khushi give him sly smile and said "apart from in her womb she had 2 more. Before you ask how, why, where, etc. I will deal with it and I won't allow you to interfere in it."

It's beyond his imagination. He himself didn't have information about Anjali's children.

Khushi went to change and Arnav thought that he should discuss all this with his team.

After that both went to bed. 

In Shantivan all are ready for sleep expect who consume Khushi's special dish.

In Gupta House

Buaji "hi Nandkishore help me to give pain to Garima." 

Buaji saw a mouse going inside the kitchen. She went to kitchen and put tawa on gas went away. She went to Garima "Garima you didn't kept water in my room, go bring it."

Buaji "hi Nandkishore please make my plan successful."

Buaji is waiting of shrieked screaming voice of Garima. In next two minutes buaji's wishes is fulfilled. With this scream whole Laxmi Nagar is shaking. Buaji went to kitchen and shouted "Garima stop shouting it's time to sleep what happen that you are screaming like old and broken loud speaker."

Buaji planned well. She put tawa on gas and boiled water on slab near gas. If Garima by luck saved from tawa, then boiled water bring the desired result. 

Now get back to know what happen.

When Garima went to kitchen, she saw mouse and got scared. In her hurry to save herself from mouse she put her hand on slab to climb put the boiled water vessel fall on her. Sari caused more damage. The stomach area burn. In all this she put her hand on tawa which burn her hand and while saving herself tawa slip and fall on this foot. So in short Garima's whole body except chest and above all ate burn from water or tawa.

Buaji wants to laugh but can't do that in front of her.

Buaji said "hey ray nandkishore what all this happened."

Garima is in unbearable pain so can't open her mouth to talk, she is crying in pain.

Buaji thought "Khushi is your niece still you want all bad things for her. It's start of your torturing session. Till now my priority is to protect her but now my only work is how to give you pain."

Buaji hear knocking on her main door. She left Garima in pain and went to see who is at door.

Kamala ask "Madhu what is the meaning of that screaming. You know it's like waking dead person from grave."

Buaji "nothing Kamala till now my both nieces handling all households chore but today Garima went to kitchen all that happen." People gathered to see what happens. They saw Garima on floor crying. Who know how she is have not sympathize with her rest pity on her.

Buaji "Garima go to bathroom change dress and take bath with cold water. Go I will clear this mess."

With great difficulty she try to stand and limping to bathroom.

Buaji send all of them and start cleaning the kitchen. After that she went to Garima who is moaning in pain. She applied cream on her burnt. 

Buaji "Garima what is this how can you be so irresponsible. You sleep."

Garima "jiji take me to hospital it's paining."

Buaji "Garima if Shashi babua will fine he will take you but you his condition. I can't take you I wish Khushi is here then she will find a way to take you hospital it's late you sleep tomorrow morning we will go to hospital."

Garima is thinking I wish Khushi is here then she will take me to hospital. If I call her now then she won't come.

Buaji call Payal to tell what she did with Garima. Buaji is telling Payal then only Shashi hear all this. He is confused that why jiji care of Khushi to punish Garima.

Akash "Payal I can't understand how can hate your mother this much."

Payal "Akash when she can't be daughter, sister and wife then how can she be a good mother. I am her ticket to get my Nana. If she is my mother then she will love me don't use her trump card. I never hate her but when I know how she want to sell my baby sister. You know Akash when Khushi come home first time after Masi and Masa Ji's death she didn't cry but she come after give fire to her parents then she lay like lifeless body. When I put her hand in my lap she cry so much that she slept and next day she had fever. From that time I had motherly affection towards her. If we have babies in future then also Khushi will be my first baby who make me feel motherly love first time. Now tell me how can a mother forgive those who are thinking to harm her baby. That is why I don't have any attachments to Garima."

Akash hug her and said "if she is your first baby then she is my first baby also. My baby sister. We will show them when they dream to harm our baby what happen."

Next morning buaji took Garima to hospital by asking Happy ji to stay with Shashi.

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