Chapter 15: The Great Battle

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At the nest, everyone is setting up catapults and spears as Stoick draws a diagram on the sand on what they will do.

"When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose." Stoick explained as they all look at the mountain.

"In my undies. Good thing I brought extras." Gobber joked as Spitelout just rolled his eyes while shaking his head.

"No matter how this ends, it ends today." Stoick said before raising his fist to give the signal.

He then closed his hand into a fist and catapults all started launching boulders on the side of the mountain. When the last rock hits the wall, it crumbled down and Stoick walked up to it. He looked into the darkness before signalling to launch a torch.

Some Vikings loaded the catapult with a flaming ball and it illuminated the cave and thousands of dragons were revealed. Stoick let out a war cry and charged right in swinging his hammer and all of the dragons all fly out in a frenzy.

The Vikings followed suit but only to realize that the dragons weren't attacking and were just flying away. Toothless and Emily watched the dragons fly away and Toothless knows the reason as he let out a fearful warbled while Emily was able to get the gag off and watched them leave while Tailgate, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus hid somewhere so they can help in case.

"Is that it?" Gobber asked while everyone just watched the dragons fly off.

"We've done it!" Spitelout cheered with everyone else.

While everyone was cheering at their easy victory, Stoick went to the entrance while surveying the dragons flying away and his village cheering. Had they done it? No, it was too easy. Something about the dragons flying away and not attacking was something strange and was telling him that something was wrong and that it was far from over.

He heard a faint roar from his ship and he looked over and could almost make out the Night Fury struggling and to get out of his bounds while staring at the mountain in fear with Emily struggling against her restraints.

"Everyone, this is far from over! You need to get out of there!" Emily yelled and hoping for them to hear and apparently only the chief seemed to hear her.

"She's right. This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!" Stoick said before ordering loudly.

However before anyone could do anything, a large crack was formed on the ground in front of Stoick before a large bellowing roar was heard and almost sending everyone flying. The whole cave was falling apart as something huge was coming out.

"Get clear!" Stoick exclaimed as everyone started to run away from the mountain, screaming.

A monstrous dragon from the looks of it, came out of the mountain entrance and everyone just watched in horror as they took in the size of the beast as it gave out a loud roar.

"Beard of Thor... what is that?" Gobber asked in shock and horror as the dragon the size of the mountain came out fully while letting out a roar of fury.

"Odin, help us." Stoick plead. This was what Hiccup was trying to tell him. How on earth are they gonna beat the beast the size of the dragon?!

"Catapults!" Stoick ordered and catapults started launching boulders at it but it seemed to have angered the dragon more.

"Get to the ships!"

The Vikings all started running to the ships hoping to get to safety but Stoick saw it looking at the ships while narrowing its eyes and his eyes widened when he realized what it was planning.

"No! NO!" Stoick tried to stop them but it was too late as the Red Death fired at the ships and engulfing every ships on fire.

Toothless started to panic and roar out in distress as Emily was panicking but she knows that Toothless needs help but she can't seem to get out of her binds as she look at the sky and hoping for a miracle to happen.

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