''They are the only two who survived.'' Meredith said. Owen looked at her. ''Her pupils are slow and she has trouble with breathing.'' He conclude. ''Page Neuro and Cardio. And someone page ortho.'' He said. Meredith looks at the woman on the table. ''Mer you okay. I mean she is a friend of yours isn't she.'' Owen said. Meredith looked up. 'Yes I'm okay.'' She said. It was a few moments later when Maggie walks in. 'I need chest x-rays now.'' She said as she looks at the monitors. ''She broke two ribs that can cause the trouble of breathing but according to her blood test there is something toxic in her blood. Maybe she inhaled some gas.' Maggie said. Owen looks at her. ''Get her to the OR now.' He said.
''What is Sullivan doing here.'' Amelia said as she walks in the room. ''He and his wife where brought in. They where in the tunnel.'' A intern said. Amelia looked at him. ''The x-rays shows a broken leg and his wrist is dislocated. One broken rib and a severe concussion. And probably he inhaled the gas.'' The intern said. Amelia looked at Webber. ''Don't give him any pain meds. He is in recovering from a addiction. It will be a hell but.' Amelia said. The intern nods and takes him up to the OR.
Amelia walks to Meredith. ''How is Andy. Is she okay.'' She said. Meredith looks at her. ''Her situation is critical.'' She said before she walked away.
''The nerve in her leg is damaged. Probably because it was trapped under something. Lets hope we can save her leg.'' Link said. Meredith looks at him. '' There is a lot of fluids in her stomach.'' Meredith said. Owen looked at the woman. ''She was a firefighter isn't she.'' He asked. Meredith nods. ''Yes. Do you think she can do her job when she is recovered.'' She said. Amelia walks in. ''Her husband is in recovery lets save her.'' Amelia said. '''The nerve in her leg is damaged. And she has a wound on her Torso. I'm worried about her brain damage.'' Amelia said. Meredith looks at her. ''This is bad isn't it.'' She said. Amelia looks at her and nods. ''Both of them will have a long and hard recovery. Not able to help each other physically.'' She said. ''Guys I think we have to remove her leg. She lost a lot of blood and the bone is dying.'' Link said. Meredith looks at the woman on the table. ''Do it. If that's how we gonna save her. Lets do it.'' She said
They finished up the surgery's and walked to Bailey. ''Updates on Herrera and Sullivan.'' Bailey said. Meredith and Amelia nods. ''Sullivan was the luckiest of them. He has a broken leg and his wrist was dislocated. He has a concussion grade 4 and a broken rib from the seatbelt. He is in the ICU. We gave him extra O2.' Amelia spoke. Bailey looks at her hands. ''Andy is worse isn't she.'' She conclude. Meredith nods. 'The nerve in her leg is badly damaged and she lost a lot of blood we had to remove it.. She has a wound on her torso. And I'm worried about her crushing syndrome. Her other ankle was broken and so is her wrist. She has temporary maybe permanently brain damage.'' Meredith said. Bailey looks at the two doctors. 'How are there changes.'' She said. ''Sullivan's changes are good. He will recover soon and with PT he can back to work.'' Amelia said. Meredith looks at the woman behind the desk. ''Andy has to fight for her life. But she is strong. I believe she will go trough this.'' Meredith said. Bailey look at the two doctors. ''Their team isn't allowed to be in their room because of COVID protocol.'' She said. The two doctors nods. ''Should I call them or not.' Amelia said. Bailey shakes her head. ''I will call Ben.'' She said. Meredith nods and the two doctors leaves the room.
A/n: poor Andy and Sullivan