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It was 6 weeks later since Andy  was brought in. ''She is still fighting. Her vitals are good. I think we can lower her meds and check if what she does.'' Meredith said. Bailey and  Amelia looks at each other. ''She is in a coma for more then a month now. Her lasts scan shows still brain damage.'' Amelia said. ''We can try. If she isn't ready we can put her under.'' Meredith said. Meredith looks at Bailey. 'What do you think.'' She said. ''I think she is ready. Her brain react on the voices in her room when her friends are calling. Her ankle and wrist are healing. She is stable.''  Bailey said. Amelia looks at her. 'Let's try.'' She said. She looks at Meredith . ''Let's try.'' She said. Meredith nods and walks to Andy's room. It was early.

She sat down and after she checked her monitors she looks at Andy. ''Hey, you doing amazing. You didn't stop fighting. Everyone is proud of you.'' Meredith said. She works on her laptop as Andy started breathing over her tube. ''It's okay Herrera.'' She said. She take the tube out and looks at her. ''Can you open your eyes for me Andy.'' Meredith said. Andy open her eyes. 'Hey, welcome back.'' Meredith said. She looks at the woman. ''Let me check you.'' She said. She checks Andy. ''Can you squeeze my hand for me.' Meredith said. ''Okay. Don't worried. Try a finger. Can you squeeze my finger for me.'' Meredith said. ''That's a strong squeeze Andy.'' Meredith laughs.  'It's okay. You are so strong.'' Meredith said. At that moment Bailey and Amelia walks in. ''Hey Andy.'' Amelia said. She crabs her light. 'Can you follow it for me.'' She said. ''Good girl.'' Amelia said. She looks at Meredith. They went outside. 'She is still weak. But she opens her eyes and she breathes on her own. I think it is to early to tell her everything. Lets call her team'' Amelia said. Bailey looks at her. ''I agree with Amelia. We don't want more stress on her body. So I think is the best to wait a little longer to tell her everything.'' Bailey said. Meredith looks at them. ''I agree.'' She said.

''Omg, that's amazing.'' Ben said. Everyone looks at him. ''I get it.'' He said. He looks at the team. ''Yes Sullivan is here.'' Ben said. ''I will tell the team and I will ask Sullivan to call you.'' He said. ''Bye. I see you at home.' Ben said. He ends the call and looked at the team. ''What happened. Please tell us what happened.'' Maya said. ''She is awake. They lowered her meds a few hours ago and she woke up. She is breathing on her own.'' Ben said. Everyone looks at each other. ''She didn't stop fighting.'' Ripley said. Sullivan looks at the ground. ''I want to be with her. I need it. I need to be with her.'' He said. Ben walks to him. ''I know. I want to hold her to. But she is okay for now.''' Ben said. Sullivan looks at him. ''When can I hold her. I need to be with her.'' He said. Ben looked at him. ''I think when she is a little bit stronger. There is a change you can you can see her.' Ben said. Sullivan nods. '' She survived. She didn't give up.' Sullivan said. Ben looks at him. '' I will call our two detectives.'' Ben said.

It was a few hours later when bailey walks in Andy's room. ''Hey.'' She said. Andy opens her eyes and looked at the woman. ''Hey.'' She said softly. ''How are you feeling.'' Bailey said. Andy looked at her. ''Pain.'' She said. Bailey sits down next to her and rubs her hand. ''You fought for your life this 6 weeks.'' She said. Andy looks at her leg. ''You. You.'' She said. Bailey looked at her. ''I'm so sorry. But we had to remove it to save you. But we will get you on your feet okay. We will help you how to walk.'' Bailey said. Andy looks at her and nods. ''Did you remember anything from that day.'' Bailey said. Andy looks at her hands. ''I. I don't remember anything.'' She said. Bailey looks at Meredith who stood outside. ''What is the last thing you remember.'' She asked. ''The day before we left Chicago.'' Andy said. Bailey placed a hand on her shoulder. ''Take some rest. You are still weak.'' She said. Andy looks at the woman. ''Where. Where is Robert. Did. Did he make it.'' Andy said. Bailey smiles. '' Yes, he makes it. He broke his leg and dislocated his wrist. He was home in a week.'' Bailey said. Andy nods and Bailey walks outside.

'And?"" Meredith said. Hailey and Jay looked at the two doctors. ''She don't remember anything from that day.'' Bailey said. Hailey looked at her. ''Is there a change she will get the memory back.'' Hailey said. Bailey looked at her. ''I can't tell. I think is best to give her some rest for a few days. We have to do a lot of scans and I don't want to bother her more.'' Bailey said. ''I get it.'' Hailey said. ''Thanks for everything.'' She said as she and Jay walked away. Meredith looks at Bailey. ''It will be a long. Long way for her. Meredith said. Bailey looked at her. ''She has help. And I think Hailey and Andy can be friends to.'' Bailey said. ''I will call Sullivan. I think he would love to see his wife awake.'' Meredith said. Bailey looks at her. '' Mer? I know this year was incredible hard for you. I'm just happy you are back.'' Bailey said. Meredith looks at her. ''I'm happy to. I missed you.'' Meredith said.

Sullivan was home. ''I wanna hold her.'' He said. Ripley looks at him. ''I know. You have your cast removed in two days. Maybe I can fix that you can see her trough the window. But.'' Ripley said. Sullivan nods. ''Yes, that would be great.'' He said. He ate his food and looked at his phone as it started to ring. ''Hey.'' He said. Meredith looks at him. ''You want to see her. She is tired but I think she loves it to see you.''' Meredith said. '''I. I. Would love to see her.'' Sullivan said.

Meredith walks to Andy and opens the door. ''There is someone who wants to see you.' She said. Andy opens her eyes and looked at her. Meredith sits down and give the phone to Andy. ''Just take your time.'' She said.

Andy looks at her husband. Tears rolling down their faces. ''I missed you.'' She said. Sullivan looks at her. ''I missed you to. This 6 weeks where hard. I thought I was going to loose you. But you fought for your life. I'm proud of you Andy.' He said. Andy smiles. She doesn't know what to say. ''Just focus on yourself okay. I'm okay. The team is okay. You can focus on yourself and on your own recovery.'' Sullivan said. Andy nods. She wiped the tears with her good hand and looks at Meredith. ''Get some sleep Andy.'' Meredith said as she grabs the tablet.

She walks outside the room and looked at Sullivan. ''How are you.'' She said. ''I'm okay. I'm just happy she opens her eyes. I know it will be a long way for her and I'm sure her team will be there for her like me. But I just want to hold her.'' Sullivan said. Meredith looks at her. ''I know. I know it. I will check if I can fix something.'' She said. Sullivan nods. ''Just make sure you get enough rest to. Both of you have a long way. Andy is awake and stable. She is a fighter.'' Meredith said. 'She is.'' Sullivan said.

A/n: happy station 19 day guys.

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