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It was a few days later. Andy looks at the people in her room. ''Andy Herrera, age 30, brought in 5 weeks ago because.' Helm jumped out of the way as Andy trows a cup against the wall. Meredith tried not to laugh. ''Your good arm is working.'' She smiled. She looks at Helm. ''Step outside Helm. I will check her.'' Meredith said. Helm steps outside and Meredith walks to Andy. ''Hey it is okay.'' She said. She places a hand on her shoulder. ''I know you didn't like this but can you please spare the interns.'' Meredith laughs. She sits down next to Andy. ''I know you didn't like this. You are stuck in this bed.' She said. Andy looks at her. ''I want to go home. I want to forget this. I want my normal life back.'' She said. Meredith holds her hand. ''If you a little bit stronger I will take you outside sometimes. I can use fresh air everyday.' Meredith laughs. She strokes Andy's hair out her face. ''How are you feeling.'' Meredith said. Andy looks at her. ''Pain.'' She said. Meredith takes some note's. ''After we are done with the scans. I will give you something that will help you.'' Meredith said. She looks at Andy. ''A few years ago I got attacked by a patient. I was laying in a hospital bed for weeks. I trow so many cups to people.'' Meredith said. Andy smiles. ''I feel sorry for that intern.'' She said. Meredith laughs. ''She will be okay.'' Meredith said.

She looks at Andy. ''Your chief was here this morning. He slept here. Everyone misses you Andy.'' She said. Andy nods. ''I miss them to.'' Andy said. Meredith stand up. ''Tried to get some rest. I will pick you up for you scans in a few hours.'' Meredith said. She stand up and walks outside. ''Did I scared her.'' Helm said. Meredith shook her head. 'You didn't anything wrong Helm. It just. She was in a coma for 6 weeks. She lost her leg. And her other leg is in a cast. She wants to go home.'' Meredith said. Helm nods. ''She is a firefighter right.' Helm said. Meredith nods. '''Yes she was.'' Meredith said.

It was a half hour later. Bailey walks into Andy's room. ''Hey Andy.'' She said. Andy opens her eyes. ''Hey.'' she said. Bailey sit down next to her. ''How are you feeling.'' She said. Andy looks at her. ''Pain.'' She said. Her eyes where fulled with tears. ''Hey, it is okay. I'm here for you.'' She said.

She holds Andy's hand. ''You fought for your life the last 6 weeks. You are still fighting.' Bailey said. She rubs her hand. ''Your room is amazing.'' Bailey said. Andy looks at her room. ''Yes it is.'' She said. She looks at Bailey. ''Thanks for everything you did for me.'' She said. Bailey pulled her into a hug. ''You are family  Herrera.'' She said.

It was a half hour later. Meredith walks into the room. '' Ready.'' She said. Andy looks up. ''Yes.'' She said softly. Merediths helps Andy on a gurney and they ride her to the CT. ''You need to lay still.'' Meredith said. Andy nods and Meredith helps her on the table. ''I will be there. I can hear you. So yell at me if you need to.'' She said. Andy nods and Meredith walks to the room where the scans will appear. ''Are you ready Herrera.'' She said. It was quiet for a minute. 'Yes.' She said.

A few minutes later the scans are up. ''damn. Helm page Maggie.'' Meredith said. She looks at Andy.

''Hey Andy. Can you hold on a little longer for me?'' she asked. There was no response. Maggie walks in. ''Hey, are this Herrera's scans.'' She said. Meredith nods. ''damnit.'' Maggie said. She looks at Meredith. ''I will call her team. Can you get Bailey.'' Meredith said. Maggie nods. 'She is to weak to hold her eyes open.'' Maggie said. Meredith nods. ''It will be a long way.'' She said.

Meredith walks to Andy. ''Hey sleepyhead.'' Meredith said. Andy opens her eyes. ''I'm so tired.'' She said. Meredith helps her on a gurney. ''I know you are. Let just go to your room.'' She said. \

She brings Andy back to her room and looked at her. 'Can I do something for you. Call someone.'' She said. Andy shakes her head. 'I. I just want to sleep.'' Andy said. Meredith nods and walks away.

Sullivan sat in the car. ''Thanks Warren for the ride.'' He said. Warren looks at him. ''You are family Robert. And you did some things wrong but you take the responsibility for it. And after all what happened the last 6 weeks with Andy. She wanted that someone is checking in on you.'' Warren said. He helps Sullivan out the car and they ride into grey-Sloan.

''Did you heard something about the investigation.'' Warren said. Sullivan looks at him. ''They are busy. They are waiting when they can talk to Andy. I'm kinda scared she will not talk about it. But the female detective seems nice. She will give Andy the time she need.'' Sullivan Said. Ben looked at him. ''I called Bailey. If you are done with your appointment you can see Andy. There is a window between you two. But you can talk to her.'' Ben said. Robert looks at him. ''Thanks man. That means a lot for me.'' He said.

''Okay. The cast is of. Can you push your foot against my hand please.' Link asked. Robert did what he asked. ''That's good. I will talk to Shepherd if you need more PT. Just give me a moment okay.'' He said. He stands up an walked to the door. ''You're Andy's orthopedic surgeon to right.'' Robert said. Link looked at him. ''I'm sorry, I'm not good at names.'' Link said. ''Andy Herrera.'' Robert said. Link looked at him. ''Yes I'm.'' He said. Robert looks at him. ''Can she use her leg ever again. Amelia. I mean Doctor Shepherd tells me it was bad.' Robert said. Link sits down. ''We don't know yet. She will never be a firefighter again. But we will do everything to get her on her feet again. She is strong. It will be a hard way. But she will get trough it.'' He said. Sullivan looked at him. ''She is incredible strong.' He said.

Link walks to Amelia. '' Hey, do you have a minute. It's about Robert Sullivan.'' He said. Amelia nods and walks to him. '' How is his leg.'' She said. Link looks at him. ''His leg is okay. It heals perfect and his strength is coming back. The question is. Do you think he need more PT.'' Link said. Amelia looked at him. ''No, I don't think so. You can clear him.' She said. Link nods. ''That's amazing.'' He said. Amelia looked at him. ''Other questions?" She asked. Link looks at her. ''Do you think Andy will walk again. I mean normally.'' He said. Amelia looked at her papers. ''If she fight for it yes. But it will be hard. She will be in pain and there will be a lot of downs before she is there. And it is a long, slow road.'' Amelia said. Link looked at her. '' She has her team and her husband. They won't leave her side.'' He said. Amelia looked at him. ''Yes.'' She said.

Link walks back to Sullivan. ''Good news. You are cleared. You don't have to go to your PT anymore.'' Link said. Sullivan looks at him. 'That's amazing. Thanks man.'' He said. Link walks to him. ''You can be proud of yourself. You did it.'' He said.

Bailey walks to Andys room. ''You ready.'' She said. Andy nods. ''Don't push yourself.' She said. Andy nods and Bailey helps her sit tight. ''Does it hurt.'' Bailey said. Andy nods. ''Okay just relax. I'm here and I'm not gonna leave you.'' She said. Andy smiles.

Robert looks at his wife. ''She is in pain.'' He said. Ben placed a hand on his shoulder. ''The wound on her torso was severe. She will be in pain for awhile.'' He said.

Andy looked at her husband a smile appear on her face. Robert stand up placed his hand on the window. Andy looks at Bailey and placed her good hand at her husband's hand. Only the glass from the window separate the two hands.

Ben and Bailey looked at each other.

Tears rolling down their faces. ''Just keep fighting okay. Do it for me. The team loves you. And when you are cleared to travel. We are going to Chicago again. This time we will get a cap and when we arrive Jay and Hailey pick us up.'' Robert said. Andy looks at him. ''That's nice.'' She said. Bailey rubs her back. ''I think is enough for today. You had a rough morning.' Bailey said. Andy looked at her. ''Thanks.'' She whispers. It was a few moments later when she falls asleep. Bailey walks outside and looks at Sullivan and Ben. ''We found out that one of her ribs isn't perfectly healed. She isn't in danger but it is uncomfortable. We gave her extra O2 and we will make scans so we can see if it heals.'' Bailey said. Ben nods. ''Thanks for the change I could see her.'' Sullivan said.

Bailey nods and placed a hand on his shoulder. ''You two are perfect for each other.'' Bailey said. Sullivan looked at her. ''Thanks that's the same for you and Ben.'' He said.

A/n; I'm still alive but work is killing. So because it is my bday today a long chapter for you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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