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'Thank you Bailey. I get it.'' Ben said. The team looks at him when he turns around. ''They make it alive out of surgery but they both have a long recovery.'' He said. Maya looked at her feet. ''It's my fault. I let Andy choose. I let her choose between me and Sullivan.'' Maya said. Jack walks to her. ''They will survive. They will fight for their lives. We need to be there for their. When they are home they will need our help.'' Jack said. Maya nods and stood up. 'Please keep me updated on Herrera's situation. I need to be with Carina.'' She said. Jack let go of her hand and nods.

It was a few hours later when Robert wakes up. ''Andy. Andy? Where are you.'' He said. Amelia looks at him. 'You are awake.'' She said. Sullivan looks at her. ''Where is Andy. Did. Did she survived.'' He said. Amelia sit down next to him. ''She is fighting for her life. But I'm glad you are awake. How are you feeling.' Amelia said. Robert looks at her. ''Pain. But I don't want Morphine. I want to stay sober and clean.'' He said. Amelia looks at him. '' I know.'' She said. She looks at him. ''Andy is strong. Her changes are okay. Lets focus now on your recovery okay.'' She said. Sullivan looks at her. ''Can. Can I see her. Is. Is she awake.' He said. Amelia shakes her head. ''She isn't awake and we don't know when she will wake up.' Amelia said. Sullivan looks at her. ''I can't do this without her. She is my everything. I need her. I can't loose her. I can't loose another person I love.'' He said. Amelia grabs his good hand and hold it. 'Lets do a meeting okay.'' She said.

Ben looked at his team. ''Amelia texted. Sullivan is awake and alert.' Ben said. The team nods. ''Any updates on Andy.'' Vic said. Ben looked at his phone and shakes his head. ''No. I'm sorry.'' He said. Jack grab his coat and walks out of the beanery. ''What are you going to do. You can't see her.'' Ben said. ''I need to be with her okay. She is my best friend. She is there all alone.'' He said. Dean walks to him. ''Listen. I know you want to see her. And I know how much she means to you. But just stay here okay. And wait until bailey calls with an update.'' Dean said. Jack looks at him. 'I hate it. She is there all alone. She is fighting for her life.'' Jack said.

The whole team sits down. ''I miss her.'' Jack said. ''I miss them to.'' Travis said.

Bailey walks in Andy's room. ''It's me. You have to fight okay. I know it will be incredible hard but you have to fight. You can do this. I believe in you.'' Bailey said. She holds Andy's hand. ''You are gonna be fine Andy. You will walk again. You will run again. Just don't give up. Your whole team will help you. Your husband will help you. Just don't give up okay.'' Bailey said. She sits down next to Andy. ''Thank you for accepting Warren on the team when he first started. If I was honest. I don't really liked it. I mean he could get hurt and maybe die. Every time there was an aid-car coming in. It could be him. Or one of you.'' Bailey said. She looks at Andy. ''I promise you won't be alone okay. We will help you. We will be there with you.'' She said. She rubs the woman hands.

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