20. Stop Fucking Around With My Emotions

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"Josh!" I said as I spotted him from the distance. He came running in my direction and enveloped me in a tight hug. 

"Jenny!" He looked me in the eyes and his face fell a little as he noticed my frown. "What's wrong?" 

And I told him everything from seeing Alex drunk to having to sing and play guitar for All Time Low instead of their frontman, and how nervous I was when I played the show and how angry I got after it. 

"Love, I watched you, and I thought you were brilliant. Chris, Max, Dan and Matt also agree. You give Alex a run for his money, honestly."

"I love you, Joshie,"  I said. And it was true, I did. Just not in the same way as I loved Alex. 

Why am I thinking about him at a time like this?

"I love you too, Eve. Come on, let's go watch Pierce The Veil' gig. You could do with some eye candy right now. And who could possibly be better eye candy material than Vic Fuentes?"

"You know me too well," I smirked, pretending I didn't think 'Alex could' when he asked that rhetorical question.  



I woke up from my nap with a pounding head and looked around. I was on the crew's tour bus - on Colussy's bed, to be more precise. The images of the previous hours suddenly came flooding back into my mind. 

"Matt?" I said groggily to Flyzik, who was sitting by his desk tapping at his keyboard. 

"Alex," he said strictly. "You have no idea what you've just done." 

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes wide. 

"Well, your set finished just a while ago, and you didn't fucking play it. Guess who sang and played guitar in your place?" 

"Eve?" I guessed. 

"Correct. Can you imagine how nervous she was? I'll give you a hint: Very. Not only that, but she's also incredibly pissed at you. And so am I." 

"Shit," I said, as I realized what I'd done. 

Flyzik then proceeded to give me a long lecture about drinking during the day or before a set, and how I'd corrupted Jason with my drinking problem, and I zoned out before he could say 'irresponsible cock'. 

As soon as his mouth stopped moving, I turned my ears back on, walked off of the tour bus and proceeded to try and fix the mess I'd made. 

I walked onto my tour bus and the first two people I saw were Dee and David, who sat next to a passed-out Jason. 

"Have you seen-" I began. 

"Don't go after her, Alex," David said seriously. "Go to your meet and greet instead, and pretend to have a really sore throat. That's what they think you have, anyway."

"She told you guys to tell me this, didn't she?" I asked Dee. 

"She told us to tell you that she never wants to talk with you again, but I chose to leave that out of the equation."

My heart sank to my stomach. Was that really how she felt? 

 Shit, I've really messed up. 

"Fair enough," was all I said. "Sorry about Jason, though."

"Jason'll survive. It's Eve you should be worried about," David said. 

Someone's phone chimed with a familiar voice singing 'Haydee May Garcia, pick up your fucking phone immediately' - quite beautifully, as a matter of fact - and as Dee took her phone out of her pocket, I knew who the caller was. 

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