5. Wishes On His Broken Stereo

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I felt guilty for leaving the house when Eve was missing. I had a few ideas as to where she could be, but I decided not to say them in case the boys went looking for her. So instead, I went out with my on-again, off-again girlfriend.

As I drove to Lisa's place, I put on my Blink-182 CD and listened to it contently. They were my favorite band of all time.

As I drove past the airport, I couldn't help but notice a familiar car parked in the VIP car park.

Amongst all the Mazdas and Mercedes and BMWs and Audis, it wasn't hard to spot it. The one Porsche convertible in the whole of Baltimore, Maryland. And I knew exactly who owned it.

I picked up my phone and typed a text to Lisa:

Babe, I'm running a little late, traffic on the freeway is shocking. See you soon xxx

In a matter of seconds, I got a reply.

Lisa: i'll be waiting x

I felt bad for lying to Lisa, but what else could I do? I parked outside the airport and dialed Rian's number.

"Hello?" Rian answered with a conspicuous tone of misery in his voice.

"She's at the airport. Her car's a gray Porsche, and it's in the VIP car park."

"Are you there right now?"

"Yeah, I'll wait for you guys, then I'll leave. Hurry up."

And I hung up the phone quickly as I spotted a girl with crimson-colored hair, just like Eve's.



"So when do you think we'll get there?" I said impatiently. By then, my foot was tapping uncontrollably on the floormat in the front seat.

"Soon," Martin said calmly, smiling at me. "It's cute how excited you are."

I wasn't sure how to feel about that last part. He was being nice, but he was too much older than me for me to feel flattered by his commentary.

I stopped overanalyzing everything as soon as we arrived at the airport.

"They've landed!" I screamed, opening the car door and running out.

"Slow down, Speed Racer!" Martin yelled as he laughed. That had been our inside joke for a long time.

I ran into the disembark section and sure enough, there they were.

David, our guitarist, wore a sweatshirt and jeans, and carried a Jack Skellington satchel. Jason, our bassist, wore a Led Zeppelin tank and red chinos nearly the same color as my hair. Dee, our drummer and my best friend, wore black sweatpants and her owl backpack with my Glamour Kills shirt that All Time Low had gotten me for Christmas.

I thought about the boys who had kindly taken me in for the past couple of months. They had been brilliant hosts and, even though I still felt a particular hatred towards their frontman, I had loved (almost) every minute I'd spent with them.

I hugged my bandmates ecstatically and introduced them to Martin.

"Is this our boyfriend?" Jason said suggestively. I opened my mouth to speak but Martin quickly chimed in.

"No way, I'm gay," he said nonchalantly. For a nanosecond, I saw David's eyes light up like a shooting star.

Wait, what?

"You're... gay?" I asked.

"I thought I'd mentioned that before," Martin said, confused.

I decided to drop the subject and move towards the exit, where Dad's car was.

Haydee and I walked out with our arms entwined, talking about everything as per usual. The boys followed close behind. The evening was unusually chilly for one in mid-June, so I wore a cropped

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked Dee, not bothering to turn around. She was usually the one to make decisions.

"Some pizza would be brilliant right about now," she exclaimed, nodding vigorously.

"Pizza it is, then," I grinned. It felt so good to be with them again.

"I don't mean to be a killjoy, but we should probably go over our setlist sometime," David said.

"Stop being a homo, Dave," Jason said. All of us found this absolutely hilarious because David was, in fact, gay.

At that point in time, Martin and David were flirting uncontrollably and Jason was clearly annoyed at the fact that, out of three boys and two girls, he was the only one who did not like me.

"It's okay, Jay," Dee said to him, stifling a laugh. "Join Eve and I, we're more manly than those two."

I laughed. Our band was finally back together, David and Martin seemed to hit it off, and we were sure as hell ready for Warped Tour, which started in less than three days' time.



"There you are!" I exclaimed as Rian, Zack and Jack parked next to me, the latter driving the former's car. They were over a half hour late.

"Sorry, the traffic was terrible," Zack said.

"HOLY TITTY FUCK!" Jack yelled as he eyed Eve and the rest of her band.

"What is it?" Rian said, startled.

"I think it's safe to say that I have developed a new man crush," Jack said, and we soon realized he was referring to the boy with the Jack Skellington satchel.

"That's David!" Rian said. "Jack, he's gay."

"I've always wanted a gay friend!" Jack said, jumping up and down in pure elation. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess that's my cue," I pointed out.

"You're not going to meet Eve's band first?" Zack asked. I clicked a button on my phone and found I was over two hours late for my date with Lisa.

"I have to go, sorry boys," I said, waving at my best friends and driving off into the darkness, finally resolving the inner battle against myself.

Then I realized, the boys weren't exactly who I should be apologizing to.

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