23. No-Good, Two-Bit, Filthy, Rotten Criminal

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(A/N: This deleted itself earlier so here it is again, sorry for the double notification! I'm already working on the next chapter so you guys should get it soon enough.)



I woke up in the morning and looked over to Eve, who was peacefully lying next to me. "Morning," I smirked, and I could tell she was already awake.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "I was horny."

"I could tell." 

"Shut up." 

"Thank god this finally happened." 

"Shut up." 

"I love you." 

"I love you too," she replied, turning her face towards mine. Again, I was forced to close the gap between the two of us. 

That is, until my phone chimed. 

Eve groaned loudly. "Why can't everyone just leave us alone?" 

"I'll check who it is, hang on," I said, kissing her nose and lifting myself off of the bed. 

Lisa: I'm serious, Alex. I'm closer to ruining her life than you can possibly imagine. 

For a second, I actually felt afraid. But then I realized that it was Lisa, and she was mostly harmless. 

Me: I'm done with your empty threats, Lisa. 

"Hey Lex?" Eve said, bringing me back to reality. 


"What are we going to do once Warped Tour is over?" 

"I don't know," I admitted. "We'll figure something out though, promise." 

"Yeah but we'll both have to go on tour at some stage, and I just-" 

"Eve," I said calmly. "Get a grip, honey." She laughed. "We'll make it work, I promise." 

She leaned in and kissed me, smiling. 

And of course, my phone chimed yet again. 

"I've gotta get this, sorry," I said, and walked off of the tour bus. 

Lisa: Empty threat my ass. Well, you've been warned. 

I sat down outside for a bit, to cool down or something. Lisa was being incredibly annoying lately. After what felt like a long time, I re-entered my spot in the bed next to Eve.

"Alex," she sighed. I could tell she was gathering up the courage to confront me about something. "The other night you said something about Lisa... Is there anything you want to talk to me about?" 

I froze. She was awake when I was talking about this. But I couldn't tell her, she'd throw a tantrum. 

"Well, uh- Rian and Lisa still talk, and he mentioned she was being even a bigger cow lately." 

"Oh," she said, the crease in between her eyebrows telling me she was not entirely convinced. I couldn't blame her, really. 

"Yeah," I said awkwardly. 

"So that's it then?" 

"Yep," I nodded, trying to persuade her. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier." 

"Whatever," she shrugged. "We both have gigs to play today, we might wanna get ready." 

"I love you, Evie," I said. "I really do." 

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