26. Destined To Explode

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As I paced the hallway of the hospital, I could only think of one thing.  

Eve was pregnant with my child.  

My child, and she didn't tell me.  

The only thing I felt was extreme anger, and I had every right to be angry.  

My first born child was being kept a secret from me.  

"Alex," Dee came up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. Her body was badly bruised, and her forehead now sported a badass scar. "Calm down, will you?" 

"I can't," I said, continuing to pace. I knew I had to stop, though. I could feel the anxiety attack eating me alive as per usual.  

"Why bloody not?" She said. "I'm calm. Rian's calm. Josh's calm."  

"But none of you have a nearly-dead girl bearing your fucking child!"  

Dee's expression switched to one of complete horror.  

"Yes, Haydee, I know. The doctor mentioned it earlier. Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me?"  

"It wasn't our choice, Alex."  

"Why didn't she tell me, then? How long has this been going on for? And who else knows?"  

"16 weeks, and Rian, Josh and I know."  

I strode over to where Rian was sitting, pulled him up by the collar and forced him against the nearest wall, causing the entire hospital to ripple due to the vibration. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I snarled. "I had the right to know! It's my child too!"  

Dee and Josh ran over to where I was and pulled me off of Rian. "You're a traitor, Dawson. An absolute fucking traitor." I headed for the door.  

"Alex!" He screamed. I turned around.  

"Do me a favor and pretend I was never here. Tell Eve I never came to visit. Tell her I wasn't worried about her. In fact, tell her I never even loved her. Because to be honest, I'm not sure if I ever did anymore."  

And with that, I strode out of the hospital, screaming my lungs out and sobbing as hard as I ever have.



I opened my eyes and all I saw was white. White bed covers, white walls, white clothes. I was in a hospital.  

I pressed the button to call the nurse, and soon, a very attractive young man came up.  

"Hello, Miss Myers. I'm Dr Dean."  

"Hi Doctor Dean," I smiled. "How long have I been out for?"  

"About a week," he stated. "You were in a coma."  

"Why am I here?"  

"As I understand it, you got beaten... The police would like a word with you when you're ready."  

"Why?" I scoffed. 

"They want to hear your side of the story to help with Miss Ruocco's trial." 

"Trial?" I smirked. "She's getting arrested for beating me?"  

"Pretty much," he smiled, too. "Your friends are waiting outside for you."  

"Can I go see them?" I said, hopeful. 

"You will most likely not be able to walk there. I'll tell them to come see you." 

"Thanks doc."  

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