12. I'm On A Blackout Binge Again

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(A/N: New chapter! This is all set at the party and there's a lot of alcohol and its effects so uh, I guess it's a NC-17 chapter? Enjoy!) 


"What are you going to do about Eve?" Zack asked me as Jack, him and I sat around the bonfire with some members of other bands including ModSun, Jaime Preciado and Vic Fuentes, Kellin Quinn and Justin Hills.

"I don't know yet," I sighed. "Where the fuck is Rian?" 

"Don't know, don't care," Jack dismissed. "You need to move on soon, or Josh will and you'll regret it deeply." 

"Fine," I spat. "I will." 

The party didn't start for another hour, so everyone was drinking prior to the rest of the bands' arrivals. Zack had got the three of us a tray of vodka shots, and we played our usual 'Never Have I Ever' drinking game.

"Okaaaay," Zack slurred. "Never have I ever shaved my balls!" 

I picked up another shot glass. That took my number of shots up to... Eleven? Twelve? I couldn't tell. 

"Never have I ever fantasised about a friend's partner,"  Jack said, raising an eyebrow. The three of us drank to that. 

"Never have I ever had sex at a club," I blurted out. "Bonus shot if someone saw you." And I downed two more. 

"Never have I ever had a threesome," Zack said. Jack and I downed a shot each and Zack raised his eyebrows. He was the most sober out of the three of us. 

"Okay, I don't mean to be a pussy but I think this game's over," Jack stated. "I'm one shot away from losing my vision." 

"I think that calls for another tray!" I celebrated. As I got up, I saw that there were large masses of people walking towards the bonfire.

I looked at some of the newly arrived band members. I could easily spot Ronnie Radke, Jenna McDougall and the rest of Tonight Alive, and, finally, our very own Rian Dawson.

I walked over to where he was standing. "Where the fuck have you been all n-" I stopped myself when my eyes travelled to the girl standing on his left. "Eve?" I slurred, incredulously.

"That would be me," she smiled shyly. I could tell she wasn't comfortable in that dress.

"You look hot," I said. Everything about her shouted 'immaculate', but that would be too weird for me to say. 

"Don't," she laughed nervously and sat down next to Jack.

"Hey there sexy lady," he said in an accent, making her laugh. "Seriously, you look GOOD!" 

"Credits to my fairy godmother," she said, motioning towards Rian. He bowed jokingly and blurted out a 'bibbidi-bobbidi-boo', to everyone's amusement.

"You guys aren't drunk at all, are you?" she said sarcastically. 

"Shit-faced," Jack said, nonchalantly. Zack and I laughed. 



Eve and I watched Alex, Zack and Jack slur, knock things over, fall off of their seats, and just laugh it off in the end. 

"Are you guys up for a game of Never Have I Ever?" Alex asked. 

"Sure, but we need catch-up shots," Eve negotiated. 

"Fair deal," Zack shrugged. "I've had six."

"I've had eight," Jack chimed in. 

"I've had twixteen," Alex said.

"What the fuck does twixteen mean?" I said, mid-laughter.

"Anything between twelve and sixteen. I lost count." 

Eve got up and got us two new trays of shots with her fake ID, and her and I each had five shots for catching up. 

"Alright," she started. "Never have I ever had sex in the ocean."

Alex and Eve both drank. 

"Never have I ever given someone a blowjob," Zack said. Jack and Eve drank.

"Oh shit, I think I'm about to-" and so Jack threw up on his own shoes. "Okay, let's continue!"

"Alrighty," Alex slurred, laughing at Jack's expense. "Never have I ever been walked in on. Bonus shot if by parents." 

I downed two shots. Everyone else in the circle drank only one. 

As the time passed, we began losing track of our game. Alex was completely incoherent, Eve looked ready to throw up, Zack was making out with a random girl in the distance and Jack was completely drunk, what with the constant throwing up, laughing and repeating it all over again. 

"Enough vodka for you, mister," I mumbled to Jack and set the tray next to Eve, noticing there were about five shots left on it. 

"Give it baaaack," Jack mumbled, fell backwards and passed out.

"And Jack Barakat is down," Alex mocked. 

I noticed the five shots had vanished from the tray. 

"Rian?" Eve asked in her innocent voice. 

"Evie?" I mimicked her voice. 

"Get me some more?" 

"I think you're done for tonight," I said to her. 

"Butiwanmoar," she slurred. 

"You what?" I asked. 

"I want more," she repeated herself. I smirked.  

"Let's go inside," Alex said to her. 

"Okaaaay," she smiled drunkenly, and I decided that was my cue to leave. I walked over to the tour bus with a sleeping Jack flung over my shoulder. I put him in Alex's bed and put a trash can next to him in case he decided to vomit. I wasn't sober enough to properly take care of him, so I lay down on the lounge and, within seconds, I was asleep.



"Let's dance," I slurred. I grabbed Alex's hand and led him into the amphitheater, where the real party was. 

We danced and danced until Alex attempted to drink some beer. 

"I think you've had enough, Alex," the bartender, who also happened to be Tony Perry, said. 

"Come on, Tony," I heard Alex slur. "One beer." 

"Who are you with?" Tony asked him. The two of them looked in my direction and Alex pointed at me and said something I didn't quite catch. I took that as opportunity to walk over there. 

"Heyyyy," I slurred. 

"You're just as bad as he is. You two need to go back to your tour buses immediately." 

"Make us," Alex and I said simultaneously. 

Tony spoke quietly into a walkie talkie and a security guard came up behind us. 

"Oh hello there," I looked up at the man. "Me and Alexander here are walking straight to our tour bus. No need to worry." 

"One moment, miss. You're both intoxicated, so I'll need to see your IDs." 

Alex opened his wallet and got out his identification. I handed the man my fake ID. 

"You're not old enough to drink," he said matter-of-factly. 

"I am! I'm twenty-two," I slurred. 

"It says here that you're twenty years old. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come with me." 

I took one glimpse of the card he had, and that was when I realized the photo was different. 

I'd handed him my real ID card. 

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