Chapter 22

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As my eyes opened, my head felt heavier.

Why did I drink so much last night? As I went to turn over, I bumped into something. I looked to my side and saw Wooyoung fast asleep.

How did he end up in the same room as me? I can't remember anything other than everyone playing the drinking game. Everything else was a blur.


I have work!

I looked at the time and I needed to leave in 10 minutes to get to work on time so I got out of bed and got dressed for work in the en-suite. Luckily, I had brought some work clothes with me incase this happened.

After I finished getting dressed, I brushed my teeth with a new tooth brush in a packet that was in the cupboard. Jongho had quite a few of these in here so they must be for guests.

I rushed out of the room without disturbing Wooyoung from his peaceful sleep and found Yeosang sat on the sofa eating an apple.

"Do you want a ride to work? We are both in at the same time anyway." He smirked knowing that I was going to be late if not.

"Yes please!"

Yeosang got another apple out of the fruit basket and threw it over to me, which I caught it easily. "Eat this and then we will leave."

I nodded and dug in to the apple. The apple was sweet and full of taste making me want to eat 20 more.

After finishing, the two of us said bye to Seonghwa as he was the only one awake, got in Yeosang's car and he drove us to work. Yeosang put his playlist on which made me happy because I knew that he had great taste in music. His playlist has lots of different artists from around the world but I noticed that he has more of BTS and NCT.

"You sure love NCT and BTS, don't you?" I spoke up as I sang along to 'cherry bomb'.

Yeosang chuckled. "Maybe. How could you tell?"

I shrugged my shoulders jokingly.

When we both arrived at work, I saw an unwanted visitor at the entrance

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When we both arrived at work, I saw an unwanted visitor at the entrance.

"Why are you here Byeongho?" I sighed. Yeosang rolled his eyes and stood by me.

"Your family wanted me to talk to you about the arranged marriage. Both of the businesses need this y/n. Imagine how big our companies will be." Byeongho replied. I opened the door for us to talk inside so no customers or by passers would hear.

"I am definitely not marrying you Byeongho. I wanted a relationship and you obviously didn't. You will constantly cheat on me if we were to get married so what is the point in being with someone like you?"

"Think about the business y/n! We don't even have to live together and you can be with other people too."

"What if I wanted to marry someone though? I would not be able to so I am not going to get married to you. Plus, I have a boyfriend anyway and I am not willing to leave him. You can tell my parents that too." Why did I tell Byeongho that I had a boyfriend even though I don't. Yeosang walked away but stayed close as he started setting up the tables.

I thought back to what Yunho said yesterday.
"If you want, I could do it if that would help you."
"Really? You would help me?"
"Of course. I know what over the top parents can be like. Mine are the same so if we 'date' for a while, they might get off our backs."

"You have a boyfriend already?" Asked a shocked Byeongho making me snap out of my thoughts. Why is he so shocked? Am I that unattractive?

"Yes, I do so please let me be happy with who I am in a relationship with." I walked away from Byeongho and started preparing the food.

Byeongho stormed off and slammed the door on the way out.

"You have a boyfriend?" Yeosang asked.

"No, but Byeongho doesn't know that." I grinned.

After finishing work, Yeosang dropped me off outside my house

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After finishing work, Yeosang dropped me off outside my house. I sat in the car for a few moments silently when Yeosang noticed that I wasn't getting out.

"Do you want to hang out at mine?" He asked. I looked over to him in relief and nodded. Yeosang drove off and pulled up about 20 seconds up the road. I keep forgetting that we live so close.

We both jumped out the car and went straight inside. I took my shoes off at the door and followed Yeosang through the hallway that had many doors.

Yeosang opened the very last door and we walked into the kitchen. "Would you like anything to eat? I'm not the best at cooking but I can make amazing ramyun."

I laughed but admired that his honesty. "Sure! Ramyun sounds great to me." Ramyun is one of my favourite meals anyway.

Yeosang got the two packets out of the cupboard and put the spices and kimchi in the pan of boiling water that he had prepared. Once the water started bubbling up, he added the noodles, leaving them in for a couple of minutes. He then added two eggs on top of the noodles that were no longer hard.

"Egg with ramyun?" I asked confused.

"Egg is the best food to eat with ramyun. You will understand when you try it." Yeosang winked. I hope it tastes as good as he says. Yeosang let it cook for another few minutes, then took it off the heat and put it into two bowls.

If you don't have egg with your ramyun then you are missing out!!!

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If you don't have egg with your ramyun then you are missing out!!!

Red - Jung Wooyoung x Reader x Choi San (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now