Chapter 11

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The cold breeze pierces into her skin as she wraps her hands around trying to get comfort away from the cold. The hair at her back stood erect, she walked deeper not knowing her way about.
The rumbling sound of her stomach alerted her. Looking down as she touches it. She walked towards a tree, sat at the foot with the parcel in her hand. She wonders what it contains but the hunger in her couldn't wait to guess as she hastily unwraps it. In it was bread, old dry bread. Nevada was too hungry to be sad or feel bad about it, taking a slice, she cut a piece gently placing it in her mouth.

"Don't eat that!" A muscular voice said behind her. Startled, she stood up looking at the direction the voice came from.

Standing before her was a young man. His presence was so magnificent as the grass beneath him dries up suddenly. His hair was as dark as darkness but so long that it reached his waist. He had a black cloak on handing over his tremendous tall figure. His eyes, red but tender brought forth the beauty of his face. He stood before her like the bright morning star making her taken aback in wonder.

"Don't eat that" he warned again not leaving his spot as Nevada gazed at him in wonder.
"That bread is poisoned, she was sent by the king to kill you" he let out as he glanced at the bread.

"Who are you?" Nevada mumbled not able to remove her eyes from him. Since her life, she has never seen a human so splendid as him.

He narrowed his eyes towards her. Took a step towards her, Nevada moved back as their eyes locked together every second passing by.

"I am Lucifer," he announced with a deep muscular voice that swept her off her feet, a thunderous tone mighty enough to make her body tremble in fright.

Holding her hand, he took the bread throwing it aside as Nevada stared at him in shock.

His gaze fixed on her, he held tightly to her hand as he walked along taking a route.
Nevada tried to release his grip on her but his hand was so strong around hers. She spoke to him violently, struggling with all her power but she was weak and lean, she hasn't eaten anything for days.

Lucifer turned back at her, his eyes firm but soft. "I am trying to help you here lady, the king, your husband wanted you to die in the woods. He couldn't kill you himself because of the wrath your father may pour on him. That was why he sent his wife to poison you in a disguise for saving you. When you eat that bread, you die within minutes, the poison in it is so strong that no mortal can escape it" he said with authority holding tightly to her hand.

His presence made Nevada tense, deep down inside her, she knew that this man isn't human but she stared at him in wonder wondering how he could have so much effect on her. "How do you know all these?" she asked inquisitively.

He looked away from her with a smirk on his lips which made him ravishing handsome and filled with superiority that made her blood boil.
"Nothing is above my knowledge. Now follow me" he commanded as he began to walk.

Nevada followed suit obediently still wondering where they were heading to. His sovereignty and power brought so many goosebumps on her as her hair stood. "Lucifer" she has heard so much about the devil and his name. "Is he the devil?" she asked herself wondering how a human bears such a name.
Keeping her tongue-tied, they walked together in silence.

They got to a wood house, Surrounded it was ravens who crowed with their eyes piercing on them as they walked towards the door. Getting in, the house was filled with skulls and black lotions on a table. A candle was lit beside a shelf and a raven stood in a cage looking intensively at Nevada. The place was so creepy making her heart pound intensively.

Lucifer paid no attention to her, he sat on a chair stroking his raven. Nevada stood there for a while looking around. There was a back sofa in the middle of the small room and nothing else.

Minutes passed, Lucifer turned his gaze at her with his hands on his raven. "Will you keep on standing there or have your seat?" he said without concern.

Gulping down hard, she sat nervously looking around.
Lucifer stood up, went into a room, and came out with a tray filled with tea, bread, and fruits.

"Eat this and sleep," he said placing it beside her. Walked towards his chair, took his cloak, and exited into a room shutting the door.

Nevada ogled at the food before her, her mouth began to water. The aroma clung in her nostrils making her salivate in hunger. The food was so tempting but she was scared. This strange man brought so many doubts to her heart and she wonders who he is or what he wants from her.

Minutes passed by, she contemplates if she should eat the food brought to her or not. She held her stomach trying to retrain herself but it wasn't helping. Not able to withstand it anymore, she took a slice of bread, eat a bite as she stared at the rest before her. The bread tastes so good and she began to eat more devouring them without stopping. It didn't take long before she consumed everything, her stomach hurting from overeating. Resting her head on the sofa as she exhaled deeply with an exhausted body, slowly, she drifted off on the sofa.

The sound of plates woke her up the following morning. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up. Nevada saw Lucifer setting breakfast before her on the table. She stared at him in wonder, he didn't even look up at her holding on to his firm face as he showed no concern.

"Eat, and after," he pointed at a room. "Your bath is ready with clothes for you to put on," Lucifer instructed walking out.

"Wait!" Nevada called out at him. He halted turning his gaze back to her.

Nevada looked down at the food and up to his face, "Why are you so kind to me and at the same time so firm?" She asked softly with all innocence.

Lucifer glanced at her and turned back entering his room without saying a word.

Sighing, she ate silently. After her breakfast, she walked into the room, took her bath, and changed into a warm silky pink dress she found. It was so lovely but her thin body gave no fitting to it. She saw a mirror and a comb at the edge of the room. Picking up the comb, she gently combed her hair with a heart filled with so many questions. She looked at her reflection, dropped the comb, and walked back to the sitting room.

Sitting down calmly, she looked out of the window, stood up, and walked towards the front door unlocking it. Looking at the deep woods with trees everywhere. She sat on the front porch, sad memories came crawling back. A tear rolled down her eyes as she sniffed, more tears trickling down.

"Those tears won't make those pain go away," A voice said beside her.
Looking up, she saw Lucifer who walked up to her taking a seat beside her. His eyes were fixed on the trees but his expression was a bit softened than before.

Nevada cleaned her tears and smiled sadly. "You are right" she muttered.

Lucifer turned to her, he held her hand nodding, his eyes held compassion and remorse as Nevada stared at him in surprise.
"You will be fine" he assured her turning his gaze back to the trees, his hand not leaving hers.

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