Chapter 4

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The Door opens and Sarah turns around, startled with leaves sticking out from her hair that Malia failed to pick out, only to face Samantha, Ethan and Jane's Mom

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The Door opens and Sarah turns around, startled with leaves sticking out from her hair that Malia failed to pick out, only to face Samantha, Ethan and Jane's Mom. "Hi, you must be Erica." Samantha says. Malia gives her an awkward smile, not knowing what to do at that moment.

"What?" Sarah asks, disoriented and caught off guard by the question. Malia thinks she looks like a deer in headlights. Mmh deer.

"No, she went to a party." Malia answers bluntly. Sarah laughs awkwardly.

"She's joking, she's sick! So she sent us!" Sarah lies trying to cover for Erica not wanting them to think badly of her friend. "I'm Sarah and she's Malia. Can we come in, please?" Sarah looks around and behind herself and Malia with alarm, paranoid that Jesse might pop up.

"Of course." Samantha says, opening the door wider and stepping aside to let them in. "Jane, your babysitters are here."

"Babysitters? Hi, I'm Jane." Jane says walking into the hall and holding out her hand.

"Hi." Sarah shakes her hand with a small laugh at her formality.

"Hello." Malia says, bringing her hand up in a small wave. The sound of someone coming down the stairs echoes through the hall. They turn to find Ethan standing on the steps shocked at the sight before him. The girl he spilled his lunch on and the new girl were in his house. Benny was gonna freak.

"Uh, earth to Ethan." Malia says tauntingly and snapping him out of his trance as he was previously staring at Sarah with heart eyes much to Malia's entertainment.

"Hello." Ethan greets the two girls awkwardly.


"Hi." Malia, enjoying every minute of this and looking forward to teasing Sarah about it the next time she brings up Benny.

"Do either of you guys like Dance Dance Revolution?" Jane asks, breaking the awkward silence much to Ethan and Sarah's relief.

"Uh, I'm a brutal dancer. Pretty sure you'd kick my butt every time." Sarah responds crouching down to Jane's level.

"What's Dance Dance Revolution?" Malia questions

"Perfect." Jane says looking up at the two. "You guys are first." she grabs both their hands about to drag them to the living room where the tv was.

"Hold on a second, honey. You two are bleeding."

"Uh, it's nothing. We... tripped on our way here." Sarah makes up an excuse

"Yeah, both of us." Malia adds suspiciously. Sarah gives her a look but she just shrugs in response. Both of them get their arms out of sight so no one notices that they've already healed.

"It doesn't even hurt." Sarah states.

"Can't even feel it." Malia comments.

"I'll go get some bandages." Ethan says rushing back up the stairs.

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