Chapter 9

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"Fine, I'll prove it to you

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"Fine, I'll prove it to you." Sarah says to Erica. Sarah bends her head down getting ready to show Erica her vampire face when...

"Ah, There she is." Jesse says walking over to them effectively interrupting Sarah. "I knew my girl would come around. Hm?" He puts his arm around Sarah's shoulders. Sarah looks at him hesitantly while Malia smirks when she spots the blood stain from the scratches she gave him. Scratches that have yet to heal.

"Actually, we were just leaving." Sarah says, separating herself from Jesse and reaching out for Erica's hand.

"Oh no, no no no." Jesse protests, pulling Sarah back to him. Malia growls as she sees him manhandling her friend. Jesse just throws her a cautionary glance before look back to Sarah and Erica. "You'd miss the main event. This isn't just another party. Stick around." Jesse says more as an order than a suggestion.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Ethan and Benny are still outside at the back of the house. Benny keeps looking around him, smiling wistfully.

"What?" Ethan questions him.

"It's just- I don't know. I know they're vampires and stuff, dude, but... we're finally at a senior party!" Benny exclaims in excitement. Ethan rolls his eyes with a sigh.

"You want to dance don't you?" Ethan asks, already knowing the answer.

"Just one. I swear." Ethan looks conflicted, "I know you want to, come on" Benny persuades with a hopeful grin. They both begin dancing like dorks. They look like they're enjoying themselves. Ethan at one point was doing the robot. At some point two girls join them. Benny double fist bumps some random guy as they exit the dance floor. Benny laughs as Ethan goes to speak.

"Okay, Rory." Ethan claps his hands together. "Where would Rory be?"

"Wazzzuuuppp," as if summoned Rory appears behind them scaring the shit out of them.

"Rory," Ethan acknowledges.

"So, this girl, she was so into me. Gave me a wicked hickey." Rory pulls down the collar of his shirt revealing a vampire bite. "I guess she could smell my qualifications."

"Rory, we gotta go," Ethan says.

"What? No way. We have to stay. This party is bank!"

"Okay, look. Dude, we got him." Benny tells Ethan while grabbing Rory. "Let's get out of here while we still can."

"We can't go anywhere without Sarah and Malia. Remember Malia? The girl you like?"

"Of course I remember, but do the words 'stay in the car' ring a bell? Cause they do with me." Benny looks at Ethan. "A loud one."

"Look!" Ethan says spotting Sarah with Jesse. Malia stands nearby, flanked by two vampires. "There they are."

"Yeah with Mcscary. You know they look busy doing stuff that doesn't really concern us non-supernatural types. You know what I'm saying? So Let's..." Benny trails off pointing towards the exit.

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