Chapter 10

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The boys and Malia are walking out the front of the school

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The boys and Malia are walking out the front of the school. Malia and Benny are having a passionate discussion about Star Wars and by passionate discussion, I mean Benny is explaining to Malia the entire plot while she pretends to listen. She gives the occasional hum, nodding her head. She even throws in a well timed 'really?'

"Hey guys! What's up?" Rory exclaims as he walks up to them. Benny and Ethan stand there shocked while Malia scrunches her nose at the new smell before a look of realization crosses her face.

"Rory... We thought you were dead." Ethan tells him still in shock.

"All I know is, I woke up the morning of the party feeling awesome. No asthma. I don't need my glasses and I barely need to sleep anymore. The only problem is the sun. Kinda annoying." Rory explains to them. Yup another vampire. Great. Malia thinks to herself.

"You're a fledgling too?"

"He's not." Malia informs them. "He's a full vampire."

"Hottie is right. I'm rocking the full on vampire action, dude! The big V! Can I get a "what what"?"

"DON'T call me Hottie."

"Don't call her hottie." Malia and Benny say. Benny says it in a more threatening way then Malia who just looks annoyed.

"Hold on, you drank human blood?" Ethan asks, incredulously.

"They said if I didn't, I'd die. All the other kids were doing it!" Rory attempts to defend himself.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done to yourself?!" Benny asks.

"I'm immortal and all powerful, dude. Ka chow!" Rory answers, tone laced with excitement. The boys look at Rory, baffled and in disbelief. In the distance some of Jessie's vampires come into view.

"Sorry, I got to go to church." Rory informs them as he sees the other vampires.

"Church? Vampires don't do church." Ethan says amused. Concerned, Benny looks at Rory inquisitively.

"Jessie says we have to. He's so bossy. He's all blah blah the prophecy. Blah blah find the cuban animals."

"Cuban animals?" Ethan, Benny and Malia all ask in unison. Malia adds a snort at the end.

"What are you talking about?" Benny voices the question they were all thinking.

"I don't know. That's what it sounded like." Rory informs them. "Anyway, we'll hang out later. Or fang out ha, zing!"

"Come on." Ethan gets Benny and Malia's attention. "Grab your backpacks... We're going to church."

"What?" Benny asks.

"Do we have to?" Malia asks after. They share a confused look before Benny grabs both their backpacks and they begin to follow Ethan.

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