Chapter 8

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The car pulls up to the entrance gate of the mansion before screeching to a halt

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The car pulls up to the entrance gate of the mansion before screeching to a halt. Party music and talking can be heard in the distance. Sarah and Malia get out of the car. Malia slides out of the backseat and moves the passenger seat forward so she can get out.

"Okay, you guys stay in the car. Got it?" Sarah orders.

"No way! You-" Ethan goes to argue.

"Stay! We'll be back as soon as we can with Erica and your friend-"


"Right. We'll be right back, okay?"

"Come on! We can-" Ethan protests but Sarah snarls and Malia growls in annoyance effectively shutting him up. The snarl and growl cause the two boys to jump, eyes wide. Ethan leans back, away from the two girls.

"Got it," Ethan complies. Sarah and Malia turn to look at Benny. Sarah gives Benny a look daring him to disagree while Malia was just curious to see what he was going to say.

"I actually wanted to stay in the car, so that works for me." he says slightly scared of Sarah. He ends his sentence with a smile. Malia gives him a grin back while Sarah backs away from the car satisfied with Benny's response. He looks towards Malia admiring her in the moonlight. The boys watch as the two girls walk away towards the house. Benny's eyes traveling her figure. Feeling eyes on them, Sarah and Malia look back over the shoulders. Benny quickly looks back away before he's caught. He blushes at almost getting caught. However he wasn't quick enough, it seems, as Malia had in fact saw him staring. She sends him a sly smirk and a wink when they make eye contact. Sarah sees the exchange and smiles, amused.

"I ship it." she whispers to herself.

"What about a ship?" Malia asks her, having heard her with her enhanced hearing. She switches her gaze from Benny to Sarah.

"Nothing." Sarah says convincingly. "Yet." she adds to herself.



"Did you say something else?"



───※ ·❆· ※───

"Come on," Ethan tells Benny, "we can't let them do this alone." Ethan grabs at Benny's sweatshirt to pull him out of the car with him.

"Hey, hey! Easy with the shirt." Benny says and Ethan removes his grip. They both slide out of the car before then walking around to the back of the house to sneak in.


Sarah and Malia walk into the party and spot Erica with one of the vampires, Gord. HIs arm around Erica's shoulders.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up. Guess Wes talked some sense into you, huh?" Gord says when he spots Sarah. He lifts his eyebrows at the end.

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