Chapter 7

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"Good luck trying to clean this up before your folks get home

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"Good luck trying to clean this up before your folks get home." Sarah says as they all enter the house seeing the mess from the fight. Benny and Malia holding hands. Benny having grabbed her hand for comfort on the walk back. Both are aware they're still holding hands but neither make a move to change it.

"What? This?" Ethan nervously laughs, "This is nothing." They all walk towards the living room to see a sleeping Jane. Benny's grandma sitting next to the curled up Jane tucking her in and placing her doll next to her with a smile.

"It's amazing she can sleep now." Sarah remarks.

"Yeah, grandma has the magic touch." Benny states, "when I was six and scared of robots, she-"

"Fascinating." Sarah interrupts and Malia lets out a breathy laugh. "Look, if Malia and I can get to Jesse's before midnight, we can still save Erica."

"So, that pizza guy is dead, right?"

"He was dead to begin with." Malia corrects.

"You know what I mean."

"Not dead, no." Sarah answers, "Just in some kind of limbo for souls." Benny, not listening, walks away, looking around.

"He won't be back here." Malia reassures Ethan. Benny comes back into the room holding a slice of pizza in his hand.

"Found a survivor." he states with a grin

"Ugh," Ethan cringes at the idea of Benny eating it.

"Ooh." Malia takes it out of his hand and takes a bite.

"Hey!" Benny protests, "that was mine." Malia holds it out to him offering it back to him despite the bite she took out of it.

"Why not?" Benny shrugs, going to eat it anyway. Ethan gives him a "really?" look.

"Well we don't want it to go to waste" he defends.

"Exactly." Malia agrees.

"Those two are perfect for each other." Ethan mutters to himself. Malia ignores him but Sarah hums in agreement.

"Okay, just stay here where you're safe, okay?" Sarah says with a sigh before grabbing Malia's hand and walking them to the front door, opening it to leave. Sarah closes it behind her.

"Bye Malia!" Benny shouts to her quickly before the door fully closes. Once the door completely closes, Benny's phone rings. The Star Wars theme song plays, filling the silence. He hands the half eaten slice of pizza to Ethan before digging in his pocket to get his phone. Ethan looks at the slice of pizza contemplating before lifting his eyebrows and deciding 'what the hell' and taking a bite from the side of it where no one's mouth has touched. They look at the screen to see that it is Rory calling.

"Do I bother picking up?" Benny asks Ethan. Ethan tilts his head to the side in thought before nodding.

"Why not?" Ethan decides still chewing on the bite he took of the pizza. Benny accepts the call and puts it on speaker so Ethan can hear.

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