Chapter 6

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The four of them walk back into Ethan's house to find Jane eating cereal and watching an advertisement for Dusk and Benny's grandma asleep on the chair Jane is leaning against

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The four of them walk back into Ethan's house to find Jane eating cereal and watching an advertisement for Dusk and Benny's grandma asleep on the chair Jane is leaning against.

"About time, I'm so bored. Grandma passed out five songs ago and she has like zero boom boom pow." Jane tells them as they walk into the living room. "Could we please play now?"

"Sorry but-" Sarah starts.

"We gotta go," Malia interrupts, getting straight to the point. Sarah and Malia head towards the door.

"What she said." Sarah says, pointing to Malia. "Please be careful and don't tell anyone about you know..." Sarah says.

"Yeah sure," Ethan responds. Benny and he follow the two girls to the door. "I'm cool. And nobody believes anything Benny says anyways," he jokes.

"I'm serious, okay? Whatever you do not invite a vampire into your house. It's your only safe haven." Sarah cautions them.

"Got it, thanks," Ethan replies. Sarah and Malia walk out of the house. Malia gives Benny a tight lipped smile and a small wave goodbye. He returns the gesture with a goofy grin.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Once Malia and Sarah leave, the doorbell rings.

"Oh man, the pizza dude is so late. Bonus!" Benny exclaims to a smiling Ethan while walking to the door. "Come on in bro." he opens the door wider and invites the man in while taking the pizza box from him. "Oh man, this is gonna taste so much better cause it's free." Benny tells Ethan and Jane. "Sorry dude, but I am just dying for a bite." he tells the pizza dude.

"So am I." The alleged pizza man responds, showing his fangs. Ethan and Benny look up at that and see his fangs and glowing eyes. The vampire growls at them. They scream, Benny pointing at the dude.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Malia and Sarah suddenly hear screams coming from the house they just walked out of, Malia recognizing the screams as Ethan and Benny's. They both look back at the house in worry then look back at each other and nod in agreement before rushing back inside the house.

"Yeah, a game." They hear the "pizza dude" say as they approach behind the vampire. Not that great a vampire if we can sneak up behind him. Errand boy must be a newbie. "Whoever tells me where Sarah is spends less time screaming." he continues. Jane screams in fright.

"Can we play too?" Malia asks as she and Sarah move in front of Ethan, Benny and Jane. Malia shields Benny from the vampire's view.

"Yes!" Benny and Ethan exclaim in unison answering Malia's rhetorical question.

"Jesse got tired of waiting, so he sent me to come pick you up." the vampire tells Sarah while looking at Malia in disgust. "Not you though." he sneers at Malia. Malia just glares at him, a growl escaping her throat.

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