Chapter 9: Liv's New Job

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Liv was still in bed sleeping peacefully when her phone went off waking her up. She sat up and sleepily looked at it.

"Hey Liv! It's Nathan! Sorry I didn't want to call you so early, but we will be ready in about an hour so we'll see you here soon and get started!?" Her new boss Nathan, had said.

"Oh shoot." Liv said yawning then texted Holden. "Morning!... Listen my boss just texted me! I have to be at the studio in an hour!" She texted then got up and began to find something to wear. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen seeing her family already sitting down eating breakfast.

"Morning sweetie! What are you doing up so early?" Karen asked after seeing her daughter come in.

"I'm starting my new job in about an hour! So I wanted something to eat before leaving." Liv said excitedly.

"Oh that's great sweetie! Do you want your mommy to take you?" Karen asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. Liv looked at her mother then felt bad.

"Umm actually Holden is taking me... He really wanted to." Liv said cautiously.

"Oh dear that's totally fine! You go with him!" Karen said handing a plate with 2 pancakes on it to her daughter. Liv took the plate and sat down with the rest of her family and started eating. A couple minutes later Liv was done and got up with her plate. "Bye dear! Have a wonderful day!" Karen said.

"Bye Liv we'll see you in a couple of hours!" Pete said while he got the boys up. Liv said bye to her family then went back upstairs to brush her teeth real quick, then appeared back downstairs as there was a knock at the front door. Pete of course had beat his daughter to door since he was taking the boys to school. He opened the door looking straight at Holden.

"Oh hi Holden.... What are you doing here so early?" Pete asked trying not to smirk.

"I'm picking up Liv to take her to work!" Holden said simply.

"Oh are you? Why would she need a ride if she has a car?" Pete asked until Liv came up.

"Dad!" Liv said annoyed, but all Pete did was kiss the top of her head then stared Holden down as he walked out with the boys following him.

"Don't worry about him. Let's go so I'm not late on my first day!" Liv told him as she took his hand and led him to his car. He smiled as he opened her door allowing her to get in. He rushed around the car and hoped in, turning it on. He looked over at her, she looked excited and ready. So he put the car into reverse then drove to the studio pulling into the parking lot 20 minutes later. He parked the car then turned it off. He rushed out and ran to her side opening the door for her, holding his hand out to her. "Holden! You don't have to...." She said before being interrupted by Holden.

"Shh...shh my darling!" He said smiling as he took her hand and helped her out immediately pulling her in for a kiss and hug. She pulled away giggling so cutely that he pulled her in again.

"....ok ok Holden! I've got to get to work!" Liv said smiling sweetly to him.

"Ok!" He said then walked with her up to the front doors, opening one for her making her giggle again. They both walk in and look around at all that was going on.

"Hello... Liv Rooney?" A man asked walking over from a room. Liv and Holden both looked at him.

"Hi Nathan!" Liv said excitedly. Nathan just smiled at her then pulled her in and hugged her.

"I'm so excited to be working with you, Gemma says you were an absolute pleasure." Nathan told her then looked at Holden. "And who is this?" Liv looked at Holden smiling.

"I'm Holden! I'm her boyfriend!" Holden said shaking Nathan's hand. Nathan shook his hand but then looked confused.

"What?" Liv asked.

"I'm sorry it's just...... I thought you already oh never mind." Nathan said. "Anyways, let me show you around!" He said then began to led them away. He walked up to the area where the trailers are and brought her to her new trailer. "We got new trailers for all the actors! Here is yours!" Nathan said smiling opening the door to her trailer. Liv was shocked at what she saw.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" Liv said smiling ear to ear. Nathan looked at her smiling.

"I got the best for the best!" He said. Liv turned to him and smiled back at him.

"Aww... thanks Nathan!" Liv said.

"Alright let's finish the tour then we can get started!" Nathan said then led them back out of the trailer and to a series of rooms. "This is the lounge!" He said pointing to the first room.
"And this is the meeting/script room." He said pointing to the room next door. "And last, the sets!" Nathan said walking them through the new sets making Liv get excited.

"Wow a lot is going to be happening in this movie!" She said feeling excited to get started. Holden then turned to her getting her attention.

"I'm going to leave and get some errands done! So text me when your done!" Holden said smiling then leaned in and kissed her.

"Alright! Maybe after I get done you can help me find a house!" Liv asked him smiling.

"Oh ok.... Wait WHAT?" Holden said shocked making Liv start laughing.

"I don't want to live with my parents and I don't think you do either?" Liv said questionably.

"Ok... Ok we will talk more about it when you get done!" Holden said smiling at her then turned and walked to the front doors. Nathan came up to Liv and looked at her.

"Ready?" Nathan asked.


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