Chapter 39: Spoiling Her

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"Is there something I need to know?" Liv asked him. He looked at her as he sat the crockpot down.

"No... not to my knowledge? Why is there something I need to know?" He asked back, Liv looked down at the table then back to him wanting him to tell her the reason for the wonderful dinner and clean house.
All Holden could do was smile at her. "I'm just showing you how much I love you and appreciate having the girl of my dreams as a fiancé then soon my wife!" He said smiling, making her smile as well. A few minutes later he had the table all set up for them to eat.

"Oh my god Holden this looks so good!" Liv said with her stomach growling.

"Well baby dig in!" Holden said, watching her get her food on her plate, they both filled their plates with chicken smothered in teriyaki sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans. Liv was in heaven.

"Did you cook this yourself?" She asked him. He nodded and smiled since he just took a big bite himself. "It's very good honey!" She said smiling brightly at him.

"...Glad you like it!" Holden said after he swallowed. They ate the rest of their dinner just talking away about Liv's day before every dish on the table was empty. Holden sighed as he leaned back in his chair admiring the cute girl in front of him while digesting. Liv got done with hers and looked up catching Holden staring at her.

"What?" She asked. Holden smiled then got up and walked over to her, she watched him as he got in front of her then leaned down smashing his lips into hers kissing her a few times then pulled away with her plate. He smiled as he grabbed a few more dishes then walked into the kitchen with them. He sat them on the counter then started warming up the water and plugged the sink afterwards setting the dishes down in the warm water. He turned not expecting to see Liv with her hands full of the rest of the dishes.

"Wow! Haha hi baby!" He said excitedly. Liv raised one eyebrow at him then replied with a hi.

"I'll clean, you dry!" Liv told him pushing him out of the way making him chuckle. She cleaned the dishes and Holden rinsed and dried them putting them up while every now and  then pinched Liv in the ass or would poke her in her sides tickling her. "Would you quit!" She complained after he smacked her in the ass again.

"No can do beautiful!" Holden said smiling as he took the last dish from her to dry it then put it up. Liv faced him this time about to pounce on him but he pounced on her first smashing his lips into hers pushing her up against the counter. He got between her legs after he sat her up there and really started to make out with her. He missed not having her in his arms all day so he really wanted her so he wrapped his arms around her butt and lifted her off the counter and carried her into their bedroom. He really wanted to make love to her on the bed but he soon got another idea since he could smell her, he brought her into the bathroom. "Get undressed beautiful!" He said excitedly after he set her down then went to get the shower going undressing himself afterwards. He turned around to see Liv completely naked in front of him. Liv looks at him and smiles as she sees his member spring to life, she takes his hand letting him pull her into the shower and under the warm water letting it hit her. Holden stood back watching the water run down her perfect body. He couldn't help but wrap himself around her as she started to wash her hair making it quite difficult for her.

"Holden.... Stop it..." Liv said giggling.

"Sorry... it's hard for me to resist you!" He said keeping her body pressed against his, she was driving him crazy to the point where his desire to be in her yet again took hold. He was kissing the back of her neck and holding onto her by her hips, pushing his firm member between her upper thighs. Liv just smiled to herself feeling what he was doing, it was beginning to tease her but Holden was a different story now, his manly instincts were taking over. So when he pulled away from her his member went right into position easily sliding into her. "Oh god" he mumbled into her neck when he realized what just happened. He suddenly found himself grabbing her hips and thrusting into her a little harder pushing her off balance causing them both to go forward straight into the wall.

"Geez...... Holden?" Liv said as she braised herself against the wall. Holden was already there and couldn't stop it so he just hugged her as he shot his load inside her. He stayed hugging her for a little while till he calmed back down then pulled away. Liv turned around looking at him with a shocked look in her eyes. Holden looked back at her then looked down watching his cum run down her leg.

"I'm sorry sweetie... I couldn't stop it...." He said before he stopped himself, he didn't know what to say she didn't either. She didn't know how she felt about it especially after what Miller did to her.

"It's ok Holden, I'll just rinse it out." She said then got under the water again and rinsed out as much as she could. Holden just stood by and watched her clean herself then got out allowing him to wash.

"I truly am sorry babe... I..." He stopped himself again after he turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around himself. Liv hugged him to give him reassurance that it was ok. They stayed in the bathroom hugging each other till a phone started to ring. "I'll go!" Holden smiled then walked into the bedroom seeing it was his phone that was going off, he walked over and answered it. After a 10 minute call he hung up excited but also scared.

"Who was it babe?" Liv asked walking over with her nightgown on. Holden looked at her with excitement and uncertainty in his eyes.


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