Chapter 23: A New Beginning

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Karen had just got her daughter home and was making warm soup for her. She sat down beside her after she gave her the soup.

"What happened sweetie?" She asked moving some hair out of her daughters face.

"I think they were having some problems with the lifting crane. I came down to hard on my ankle, the nurse said I sprained it pretty bad so I have to take it easy for a few days." Liv said feeling a little down since she was supposed to get the keys to her new house today.

"I'm sure it will be alright honey!" Karen said rubbing Liv's cheek lovingly. "Now I got to get back! Go lay down after your done!" She told her daughter sternly even if she knew Liv wouldn't listen then left. Liv however did the opposite, after she finished her soup she texted Holden asking for his help and to come over and pick her up.

He just finished having a big argument with his mother again when he felt his phone go off in his pocket. He looked down at it.

"You go to that whore, you're not coming back!" Cindy said as seriously as she could. Holden stared at her not believing what she just said, he didn't know what to do. He slowly walked to his room. Dan shortly followed him and saw him sitting on his bed reading a text from Liv. Holden looked up at his father with red eyes.

"Son... It's time you think for yourself, not do what we think you should do with your life. I'm with you 100% son! I like her!" Dan said smiling, telling his son how he sees it.

"Well thanks dad." Holden said sniffling a little then decided what he was going to do. He got dressed then walked out with his father following. Cindy watched as he grabbed his car keys then walked to the front door. She was furious he picked Liv over his own mother. 

"Fine! Go to that whore!  You unappreciative little asshole!! I gave up everything for you and that's the thanks I get !! I thought you were my son? I guess not!" Cindy screamed at him as he left out the front door. Holden couldn't help the tears fall as he walked to his girlfriends house, what his mother said truly hurt him. He walked up and knocked on her door. He heard her say come in so he opened the door and went inside. He looked around for her then walked into the kitchen, seeing her sitting at the table. He tried to hide what just happened but the minute he walked over and she looked at him noticing something was wrong pretty quickly, she asked what was wrong sending him into tears again.

"Holden? Hey...What's wrong?" I asked getting up, forgetting all about my sprained ankle and hugged him hanging onto him at the same time. I stayed hugging him as he cried in my neck and hugged me back.

"My mother forced me to choose between you and her... when I choose you she started yelling your not my son and other shit at me..." He said still crying. I felt so sad for him, I knew Cindy didn't like me but I never thought she would make her only son choose like that.

"Oh baby..." I said as I wrapped my arms around him more. I wanted to take him away from that. So when he stopped crying I pulled away from him making him look at me. "I have something to ask you!" I said smiling. He pulled away and sat on the table in front of me but of course my foot got his attention first.

"Liv? What happened? Are you alright!" He asked standing up immediately holding onto me then encouraged me to sit down. I smiled at his cuteness, he is so cute when he's concerned.

"Holdy ...I'm fine!" I said grabbing his hands. "Anyways! This seems like the perfect time to ask you! I'm getting my keys to my new house today. I know we haven't been dating very long but I want you with me! I want you to move in with me?" I finally came out and said it.

Holden couldn't believe what he heard. The woman he felt so hard for is asking him to move in with her. A huge grin slowly appeared on his face, he was so happy now finally.

"Oh my god baby! Yes, yes, Yes!" Holden told her gently picking her up and spin her around in the air making her giggle.

"Ok we better get going then, before my family gets home." She said smiling so brightly.

"Ok!" Holden said happily, cupping her face with his hands then leaned in closer to her smashing his lips onto hers, kissing her passionately.

They had just pulled into the driveway of their new house. Liv had texted the previous owner of the house so she was still there waiting on them. Holden got out of the driver side since he had to drive because obviously she couldn't with her ankle and walked over to help her out. Her crutches were in the back so got them out then helped her out.

"Come on baby!" He said excitedly getting her set up with her crutches then walked in behind her. The lady came out of the kitchen with a box and saw them.

"Liv! Oh are you alright? What happened?" She asked giving Liv a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine! Just a stunt accident!" Liv said returning her hug.

"Oh well alright. I've got to get going! Here are the keys! Enjoy your new home!" She said smiling at them both then walked out. Liv and Holden both walked her to the front door then closed it after she walked out.

"We have a home baby!" Holden said gently taking Liv on his arms, turned her around and kissed her passionately again.

"Don't be to impressed, it's not setup yet!" Liv said after they pulled apart.

"Well that's the fun part!" Holden said smiling then leaned in and kissed her again.


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