Chapter 17: 1st Day Of Shooting pt 2

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Everyone was in the lounge grabbing something to eat or talking on their phones. Nathan came in and grabbed some grub while everyone else finished. Liv was checking her phone and saw Holden had texted her a while ago.

"Hey baby! Sorry I miss you this morning I never heard you leave, and I had my window open and everything:(" he wrote. Liv smiled at his text but before she could reply her phone started to ring. She didn't recognize the number so she answered it.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hello! May I speak to Olivia Rooney please!" The person said.

"This is she?" Liv said.

"Oh hi Ms. Rooney! Your offer has been excepted! Would it be possible to come by and sign some papers?" The realtor asked.

"Oh sure, but I can't right now! I'm working, umm.... I can come by say at 5?" Liv asked.

"Umm sounds good to me! I'll let the owners know!" The realtor said then hung up. Liv smiled before she got up.

"What are you so happy for?" Alex asked looking up at her.

"I'm getting a new house! I'm super excited!!" Liv said.

"Hey hey!! Party at Liv's!!" Josh yelled laughing afterwards, getting everyone's attention.

"Haha.... Maybe!" Liv said laughing.

"Alright everyone back to set! Let's get this last scene so we can get started on the editing!" Nathan said then held his hand out to Liv. She happily took it and walked with him to the set they were at. "Alright Liv let's get this right!!" He said smiling at her, helping her into the coffin then walked off set. The crew men got back in their positions ready with the wires. "Ready?... And Action!" Nathan said. Both crewmen watched Liv closely. Liv opened her eyes acting disoriented then slowly began to look around. She started to really freak out and then paused for a minute, then began to beat on the roof.

"Uh!" Liv grunted, giving the que for the crewmen to pull the lid off violently.

"And cut! Awesome work guys!! Now let's get the last scene!" Nathan said. Liv stayed in coffin as one of the crewmen grabbed the flying harness and set Liv up in it with some help from the other man. "Ok Liv for this, your powers will lift you out of the hole that we will put in with the computer later! Ok!" Nathan said making her nod. "Action!" He yelled. Liv put her hands up as if she just broke through the roof of the coffin then went limp with her arms out stretched and her head back as she was slowly lifted out of the coffin and into the air. "Great now lower her to the ground to finish up the scene!" He whispered quietly making the crewmen lower her to the ground, laying her down. Liv slowly sat up and looked down at her hands then body.

"What the hell just happened?" Liv said as the cameras backed away from her ending the scene.

"Alright Liv!! That was amazing!" Nathan said walking onto the set, straight to her.

"Thanks Nathan!" She said smiling then got up.

"You bet how about you go get dressed and relax for awhile?" Nathan said as the crewmen took the harness off her. "Your probably pretty tired?"

"A little! It will be nice to get this wig off!" She said walking off the set with him. They walked together to Liv's makeup trailer where Amy and Krystal were both waiting. As soon as Liv opened the door she was greeting with smiling faces.

"Alright...Liv let's get that costume off you!?" Krystal said taking Liv's hand from Nathan and led her over to the changing corner. She helped Liv get the costume off then let her put her clothes back on herself. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow Liv! She's all yours Amy!" Krystal said after she came out, hung the costume up then left after they replied. Soon after Liv came out with her normal clothes on then sat down in her makeup chair. Amy grabbed some makeup remover wipes and began to wipe the makeup off Liv's face, after that was done she moved to the wig taking all the Bobby pens out first then took off the wig and cap.

"Oh my god thank you!" Liv said with relief in her voice.

"Feels good to get it off?" Amy asks.

"Yes!" Liv immediately said making Amy laugh as she got the rest of the bobby pens out then sat the wig and wig cap on their stands then began to massage Liv's head making her moan in comfort. Amy chucked a little then continued to massage her head.

He was in the kitchen arguing with his mother about having his girlfriend over for diner.

"Please mom? I want y'all to meet her, plus she got the part and today was the first day of filming! I want to do a dinner for her and let y'all meet!" Holden said.

"Then do it somewhere else! I don't want anything to do with that thief and plus I .don't want you seeing her!" Cindy said right back to Holden.

"Well I do! And she's not a thief!" Holden said trying to defend his girl but his mother wasn't done.

"I don't care! I forbid you from seeing her! I don't want my only son seeing someone like that!" Cindy yelled at him. Holden was brought back by what she said. Before he could talk again his dad pulled him into the living room away from her. Holden looked up at his dad about to cry, he was hurt by what his mother said.

"Come on let's go for a walk?" Dan said walking
to the front door with his son following.

"Shh... son. It's alright." Dan said to his son, but Holden didn't calm down. "Son you need to calm down before you ask her!" Dan said getting his sons attention this time.

"What... why? My mother wants nothing to do with the women I love?" Holden said.


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