Kunimitsu Tezuka ( fluff ☁ )

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There is a saying that opposite attracts but how accurate this statement is?, does people of different personality and beliefs really attract?. Or is it too hard for two polar opposite people to end up on same side?

Kunimitsu Tezuka, is the captain of the tennis team of Seigaku middle school. He is a very serious young man with responsible and strict personality. Even though he is still young, he is far beyond an average teenager with his absolute talent in tennis and his mature nature. With his hot looks and talent in tennis, there's no surprise that tezuka is very popular among girls but even though most girls in the school fawns over him, he still pays no attention to them. Dating is the last thing on his mind, let alone dating a dumb girl

And there in this picture comes
y/n l/n, a clumsy, dumb and innocent girl whose world revolves around sweets and chocolates. There is nothing really special about her, she is not the top student of her school nor does she hold ultimate beauty, the only thing thing she is known for is her clumsiness. With no sense of responsibility or discipline how will she capture the heart of the tennis captain who values discipline so much?

Time Skip

( Reader or y/n's POV)

I sat near my usual window seat as my lunch box was laying on my desk. The constant murmurs of students were echoeing around the classroom as recess was going on, my eyes then went down to my lunch box and a huge smile grown on my face as I saw that there were my favorite dorayaki in the lunch making my appetite grow bigger at the sight of sweet food, as I took a big bite out of my dorayaki, while munching happily the snack as I heard the gossips of other students who were chattering loudly on the front bench ahead of me

"Isn't Tezuka-kun so freaking hot!!", a girl nudged her friend's shoulder excitedly as she was animatedly talking about some guy

"I know right!!!", another girl agreed enthusiastically

"I wish he was my boyfriend.....", the previous girl continued the chat as she sighed dreamily off into space

"Don't be stupid ayano, we are talking about tezuka-kun, he is out of our league", another girl smacked the head of ayano lightly with slight annoyance

"A girl can dream okay....and what's the harm in imagining" ayano said with a pout as she rubbed her head slowly where rinka smacked her

I listened to their conversation while stuffing my mouth with the food as I wondered who this tezuka guy is, then suddenly a light bulb lit upon my head as I realized that they are talking about the tennis captain of our school, it's not the first time I saw people taking about him since he is kinda the hot topic of our school along with our official tennis team but I never understand why they were so crazy about him but then again I never met him even though we study in same school

"Ayano-San, Rinka-chan, why are you so crazy about tezuka-san?", I asked them with a smile as their head whipped around in my direction and they stared at me like I was totally dumb

"Y/n-chan, I never knew you could be so dense!", ayano said with a sigh as she again looked at me "I mean isn't it common news that tezuka-kun is one of the most popular guy in school" she continued as she put a hand around her desk in a resting manner

"that I know but still though why you like him so much", I again asked with a curious look as they shook their head at me

"Because not only he is freaking skilled in tennis but also he is handsome with his good academic records" Rinka squealed happily as she turned her head at me

"Plus his serious personality is so hot, I bet he is a dominative type of guy" Ayano winked playfully at the last sentence

"Serious?, then he probably would be a scary guy, why are you calling him hot?", I asked them innocently as I stared at them

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