Syusuke Fuji ( lemon 🍋)

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Warning: this chapter contains mature and explicit content, if you are not comfortable reading it then kindly don't read it

Note: this chapter is very long also here Fuji and reader are in third year of highschool

( Reader/y/n's POV )

My heart drummed in an erratic rhythm as the dreading feeling of anxiety grew larger inside me, almost suffocating my lungs in a sufferable way that I can't help but pray to god that I won't have a panic attack right here. Taking a deep breath to calm down my nerves from exploding, I grabbed the doorknob of the classroom and slid it open as I made my way inside the classroom with hesitant steps

Today was my first day of highschool in Seigaku, and I was anything but happy because not only it's my first day in a new school but also it's my first time attending a Japanese school. Yes you guessed it right! I'm a foreigner from c/n and just a few weeks ago I arrived in Japan due to my parent's work and despite protesting against their decision to move to a new country, I still succumbed under their command. And as I stood at the middle of classroom, many negative thoughts swarmed my mind, making me more than nervous as I'm a foreigner and after a much difficult time in learning Japanese, I have still not perfected my language skills which is a huge problem in communication. Also learning new culture, making new friends was just beyond hard and I wonder how long I will last in Japan or more precisely seigaku

"Miss L/n! Welcome to your new class", a cheerful voice snapped me from my internal agitation as I turned my head towards the source of voice and saw a middle-aged lady standing beside me

"O-oh hello Ma'am" I bowed to the teacher who offered me a big smile as I nervously looked around the classroom and avoided eye contact with other students who were curiously looking at me as if I was an alien from another planet

"Nice to meet you miss L/n, I'm your homeroom teacher Anko Sumeragi. Please call me sumeragi sensei and I hope you like your new class as you are going to spent your whole year in this classroom", the teacher said with a gentle smile as she gestured towards the class, after that many students started chattering among themselves in quiet murmurs which caught the teacher's attention as she slammed her hand down on the desk to catch everyone's attention who immediately focused their gaze on the teacher "Students! This is y/n L/n your new classmate, she is from c/n and have came to Japan a few weeks ago, I hope you all will welcome her and help her in getting her adjust in a foreign atmosphere. I expect good behavior from you all", sumeragi sensei said in a loud voice to all the students as she motioned her hand towards me

"Hey! Do you know how to speak Japanese?", a girl from the third bench asked with a curious expression as she eyed my appearance in an amused way

I took a sharp inhale in nervousness as everyone's attention was on me while they all waited for my answer in an anticipating kind of way "y-yes I know, but I'm still learning Japanese" I said with a small smile as I brought my gaze to the floor

The girl who asked the question nodded in reply and soon other students raised their hands to ask more questions as a miniscule smile formed on my face by their positive reaction on me, which made me think that maybe I'm going to have a good highschool life in seigaku without any problems and loneliness

"OK enough with the talking!", the teacher shouted to gather the attention of all the students as she then turned towards me "L/n go and sit on the last bench of third row" she said as she motioned her hand towards the said place and I nodded in response before making my way towards the last bench

As I neared the last bench I noticed a very handsome guy sitting there with brown hair and closed eyes who gazed outside the window with a tranquil look on his angelic face. An involuntary blush dusted my cheeks as I scanned the mysterious guy who was still staring outside, deciding that I should stop being a creep, I then quietly took my seat beside him and started taking out my school supplies from the bag

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