Kippei Tachibana ( fluff ☁ )

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Note: in this chapter Tachibana and reader are in third year of highscool

( Reader/Y/n's POV )

I could feel the overwhelming pain on my knuckles as my fist harshly collided to the wall in front of me, but the pain in my hand was nothing compared to the toxic pain inside my heart which was surrounding my brain in an endless cycle of misery.
The voices in my head mocked me that how I'm such a pathetic person that I can't even face my own problems instead I'm taking out my stress by punching the wall, in a stupid attempt to distract my mind from the bitter reality.

Retracting my fist from the wall as my hand throbbed in a dull pain, I took a seat on the chair which was laying at the old warehouse. After sitting on the chair, I raised my hand and examined the crimson blood flowing between my knuckles, but I just closed my eyes in exhaustion as I was too tired to put bandaid on my injury. Leaning comfortably on the chair I thought to take a nap but just when I was falling in slumber, my mind flashed today's events as how I scored such low marks on my exams, how my teacher insulted me in front of the whole class, or worse how my parents were extremely disappointed in my performance

I shook my head in a futile attempt to clear my thoughts, but the voices in my head grew louder, I could hear the humiliating words of my teacher, as how she complained to my parents about my academics and how my parents reacted harshly in anger


"Y/n!", my mother's voice shouted from the living room, as my figure shook in fear by hearing the seriousness in her tone but I still listened to her words and traveled to the living room where both of my parents were sitting on the couch. As I walked closer to them I could feel the tense atmosphere around the room, along with their deep frown

"What is the meaning of this?" My dad shouted in anger, his eyes burned in rage as he held my exam sheets in his hand

In response I just focused my gaze on floor but I could still hear the disappointing murmers among my parents, as my dad harshly slammed his hand on the table making me take a step back, but I still held my ground and looked up at them, my mother's face was etched in a deep scowl as her eyes moved to my mark sheets then back at me

"Your teacher called us y/n", my mom started in a low voice as her glare remained on me "she said how your marks are lacking so much in academics. The scores on your exams were so low that I'm even ashamed to call myself your mother!" She shouted in fury as her eyes again went to my mark sheets

"I-I'm sorry mom", I whispered in shame as I gripped my skirt in nervousness

"Sorry will give you nothing y/n!!, how long are you going to behave like a kid?, you are already in your senior year and from next year you are going to start your college but the way you are so unfocused about your studies it makes me think that you won't even be able to complete high school!" My dad spat venomously as he leaned more on the couch in stress

"Next time I will try my best mom and dad", I spoke little loudly as I just wanted to run inside my room and avoid this whole confrontation thing with my parents

"Next time?, how long your 'next time' is going to work? Do you have any idea that your finals are approaching soon and then you have to give your college entrance exams" mom shouted as her words slapped me with reality, making me feel more depressed

Hearing my parents words I just kept my mouth shut as I had nothing to say in response because each of their sentence pierced through me like a needle. The suffocation grew larger in the atmosphere as each second passed making me wish that this family meeting will end soon

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