On the Rocks

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Some say the best part of being drunk is the escape from the real world or the boost of confidence and fearlessness. It's those feelings that have you shouting "one more round" to the bartender. Then, one round turns into five... then seven. Next thing you know you're blackout drunk on the bar, or that one sober friend is dragging your dumbass home.

What does that say about being drunk in love with someone? Is it your heart skipping a beat at every mention of their name or every time a message pops up on your phone? Is it being able to walk in front of them completely naked and still feel comfortable? The butterflies in your stomach every time they call you beautiful? The intoxication of your bodies together in utter ecstasy?

Truth is, it was all of the above. There was no doubt you were unconditionally and irremediably in love with Keigo. Was it his demeanor? His looks? His scent? Maybe it's-

"(Y/N)!" A screech of your name rang in front of you. Standing before you was Hachi jumping up and down trying to get your attention.

"Hachi, what the hell it's too early for your energy spurts."

"It is 1 pm, (Y/N)." Your coworker chimed as he walked by with a stack of paperwork.

"Who asked?" You snarled.

"You're snappy today. What, didn't get your daily dose of Keigo?" Hachi teased as she leaned over in front of you.

"Would you shut up?"

"What, it's not like nobody knows you two are dating."

"Listen, I just want to keep my relationship out of my work life. Is that so much to ask?"

"So, you can't tell your childhood best friend about the juicy details of your relationship, but you can complain about work to him?"

"Because anything I tell my 'childhood best friend' the entire office ends up knowing anyway!"

"Geez, what happened to the (Y/N) from high school and college? They were so much more fun back then."

"They grew up. Maybe it's about about time you do too. Now, leave me alone."

Hachi didn't say anything after that, which was unusual for her. As pissed off as you were with her, you didn't mean to hurt her feelings the way you did. Your parents were high school friends before you were born and basically did everything together. Your moms would run errands together, and go on their 'girls day out' to get mani-pedis and go to the spa, whereas your fathers worked for the same company. They were inseparable. So much so that your moms ended up pregnant at the same time. You were born a few weeks earlier than Hachi, so when she was born you had no choice but to be friends with her. It was nice for a while - you lived in the same neighborhood, and went to the same schools and coincidentally were put in the same classes. At least until high school hit. You became more independent while Hachi would make friends so easily. Her friend group would travel like a pack of wolves.

Hachi somehow dragged you into a majority of the things her and her friends were up to. She was hard to say no to - not like you were capable of saying no to anyone to begin with. She dragged you to all kinds of parties and outings and you being incapable of letting her down, you pretended to have fun. Though, Hachi was no different from you. She couldn't say no to her friends either.

She and her friends would always sneak drinks whether it was casual or because everyone else was doing it at a party. By the time you hit 20 in college, that's when she started getting dragged to clubs and bars. And so, you were dragged along with her. By this time, having a shot or two when out with everyone just felt natural; suffocating, but natural. Once you graduated college and got hired at the same company, you wanted to focus more on work and making a living for yourself; so, you started to distance yourself from Hachi and her friends. You picked up more shifts at work, you worked overtime, just as a way to keep yourself busy. Whenever you had a day off, you ran errands and watched whatever new series was on TV. Hachi would call on your days off and ask to hang out which translated to "my friends are dragging me out and you're coming with me." So, you'd hit her with the "I'm busy" excuses when you're really laying on my couch in my lounge clothes with a bowl of ramen, probably rewatching an anime you've already seen a hundred times.

You became distant from her, but she desperately wanted to keep our old bond and in order to do that she would bother you in whatever way she could at work. Over time, it got annoying; now, you've grown tired of it. 

"(Y/N)," a voice called. "Your phone."

You hadn't realized your phone had been bussing the entire time you were reminiscing. Keigo was calling. You stepped out of the office and answered.

"Took a while." Keigo chuckled.

"Sorry, got caught up with work." You sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." You lied.

"You sound sad. What happened? Someone need an attitude adjustment?

"That someone would be me." You mumbled.

"What'd you do?"

"Shit, you heard that?"

"Did I not mention I hear everything?" Keigo said sarcastically.


You explained everything to Keigo. You explained how you finally snapped at Hachi, but you never thought it would feel as horrible as it does.

"From what you're telling me, you just got annoyed by the one person that just wants to be your friend." Keigo stated bluntly.

"Way to make me sound like an asshole." You groaned and leaned your back against the wall while looking up at the ceiling.

"Hate to put it bluntly, but you kinda are, babe. And this is coming from the homeschooled kid who had no friends growing up."

"And here I thought you'd be on my side." You pouted.

"As far as the situation goes, I'm Switzerland. Tell you what, invite her out tonight. Bring her to the bar for some drinks; on me. Have some fun with her - just the two of you."

"She's going to forget about it tomorrow anyway."

"(Y/N)." He scolded.

"I hate when you think rationally. Fine."

"Good. I'll see you tonight then. I love you, Dove."

"I love you, overgrown chicken."

"We'll work on that. MUAH!" He blows a kiss through the phone before hanging up. 

I'm already dreading tonight.

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