high school troubles

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This didn't come out like I expected it to. I hope this satisfies the request, though. I apologize if the pacing is just so messed up and confusing—it's been a while since I wrote.

This was requested by @Person_owo !

Thank you for requesting!


Ray had a crush.

Not a little, embarrassing one—a big, would die for her, "please love me" kind of crush. And if he didn't reveal his feelings soon, he wouldn't be able to stay reserved about his love life much longer. He was sure, when he drives himself crazy trying to tell her, he would do it in an embarrassing way. It was better to do it now, when it's all quiet.

He started, with the help of a close friend, by planting a simple letter inside her desk, requesting to meet after class, behind the school in a quiet corner that lay at the edge of school grounds. Now all he had to do was wait.


"Emma, there's something in your notebook."

"Huh?" Emma replied absentmindedly, rubbing off her sleepiness. "What thing, Norman?"

Norman peered inside it, examining it quietly. In one swish motion, he had it in his palm.

"It's a folded letter of sorts," he noted. He handed it to Emma. "Whoever wrote this to you surely must have intended that you open it first."

"Strange," Emma mumbled. The letter was made of a crumpled piece of notebook paper, tied neatly with kitchen twinge.

Untying it gingerly, making sure not to damage the twinge, she slowly unfolded it.

Hi, Emma.

Before you start wondering, Norman arranged this letter for me so that you would find me in the quickest way possible. I'm keeping this short—I have something really important to tell you.

By now class would have almost ended. During the passing period, please consider coming to the school courtyard. If I wasted your time, I apologize in advance.


Ray? Emma thought, her eyes widening. The boy from my chemistry class? What would he possibly want to tell me?

A sudden thought of Ray's narrowed eyes meeting hers, looking at her closely, caused her to form a small blush on her cheeks. She shook it away.

Beside Emma, Norman smirked.

"I can walk you to the courtyard," he offered. "Make sure the people don't look."

"That would be great," Emma breathed.

Fast forward to courtyard because ✨writers block✨



"Thank you," Emma mumbled. "For doing this."

Norman just smiled.

They were at the arch leading to the courtyard now, where Ray stood, fidgeting like a nervous wreck.

"Go on." Norman said. "Go to him."

Emma didn't know when her confidence blew up, or when her legs started running, but before she could process what was happening, her arms were already around Ray.

"Hi," she sniffled into his shirt (the height difference. THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.)

"Hi," Ray said breathlessly, no longer fidgeting. Slowly, Ray gathered his thoughts, and fumbled to tilt Emma's chin towards his face.

They didn't know who initiated it, but they're lips were already attached to each other, like two pieces of an incomplete puzzle.

Emma didn't care that people were watching. Emma didn't care that she was a tad too young to date (she turned 15 last month). She just knew that now Ray and her were connected, and everything was going to be fine.

"W-Wow," Ray blinked. "That felt amazing." Realizing what he said, a small blush bloomed on his cheeks.

"Sorry for acting so awkward," Ray apologized miserably. "People are watching."

"I don't care," Emma whispered. "I really like you, Ray. C-Can we do that again?"

Surprised, Ray smiled. It's quite rare that he smiles—it looked so content, so genuine.

"We can do that as much as you want, Emma."

Wowow Ray you got yourself a girlfriend 🥺

I apologize if this story didn't satisfy your RayEmma needs, or fulfil the request like how you wanted it. As I mentioned before, writing has proven harder for me now that I am quite detached from these characters. And my update schedule... I know. I update like every year lmao. But now that school's over I hope I can be able to write much more frequently than I used to. 

I didn't know what to name this so I really hope cringy names doesn't spread to my other chapters haha.


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