The phone call

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I finally arrived at home and unlocked the door. I brushed my teeth put on my pj's and tried to sleep. But I couldn't, I couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened to damiano maybe he is still at the studio and forgot the time? Or maybe.. *RINGGG* *RINGGG* I heard my phone go. I looked at the caller id and my heart dropped. It was the local hospital. I picked up right away and the following words were said (in Italian)
"Hello are you y/n this is international care rome"
"Um y-yes this is y/n"
"Do you know Damiano David? He has you as his SOS-contactperson"
I never knew i was his contact person.
"Yes i do he is my boyfriend what's wrong?"
"He was drunk and got hit by car and is now in surgery"
I couldn't comprehend what i just heard. Was it my fault? Where was he? Why was he drunk? Every possibility ran through my mind.
"M'am? Are you still there?"
"After he is done with surgery it might be nice for him to have somewhere there"
"Yes i will be there within 10 minutes"
"And you might wanna call his parents and let them know"
"Okay we'll see you soon he is on the 3rd floor and i will welcome you and show you where you can wait"
"Okay thank you bye"
I grabbed my keys and ran to the car and grabbed my bag and phone.
I opened the car connected my phone and called his parents while i started the car.
"Hey y/n" rosa said (his mom's name according to internet)
"Hey i -um Damiano got in an accident, he got hit by a car and is now in surgery. Im on my way to the hospital"
"What happend and which hospital?" She asked concerned
"International care rome and Damiano and i were supposed to go on a date but he never showed and they said he was drunk"
"Im on my way, i will see you there"
"Okay see you there" i tried to sound as calm as possible but i failed and my voice cracked. I have a good bond with Damiano's mom and she knew i had panick attacks.
"Y/n its gonna be okay he is going to be okay"
My eyes started to tear up but she was probably right but we dont know how bad it is.
"Thank you"
"See you there honey"
End of call.
I arrived at the hospital.
"Are you y/n" i heard a woman say
"Im the one who you spoke with on the phone c'mon i'll show you the waiting room"
"Thank you"
We arrived
"How bad is it?" I asked the woman
"Well he got hit quite hard but its not that bad he has  a severe concussion and a broken rib maybe a few things bruised but he will be alright"
"Thank you" i said smiling and tearing up at the same time from the relieve.
Rosa arrived and approached me asking how he was and i told everything the woman told me.
We were still waiting for Damiano's surgery to be over and it felt like forever.
A nurse entered the waiting room.
"Mrs y/n and miss David?"
"Yes?" We both replied
"Damiano is in his room and he is about to wake up come with me please"
Rosa and i looked at eachother smiling gently at the fact that we know he is alright.
Damiano's dad is also almost at the hospital and i called the rest of the bandmembers about what happened in the waiting room. They were also on their way.
The nurse led us to room number 104 and she opened the door for us.
There he was, covered in bruises.
I really need to know what happened.
He slowly opened his eyes.
"Sí teroso io e y/n siamo qui"
(Yes sweetheart me and y/n are here)
"Yes!" I said smiling and crying at the same time.
"Im so sorry i forgot y/n"
"What amore"
"Our date, its all my fault and now you had to go trough this all because i was drunk. Im so so sorry"
"Damiano its okay" i said while wondering why he was drunk but I wasn't gonna ask that right away. He just got out of surgery.
"No its not okay y/n"
"Damiano dont worry im fine" i said while i heard my phone vibrate. It was vic texting me where his room is and that the nurses wont let them pass.
"Dami i've got to help vic and the rest to get to your room the nurses wont let them through"
"But y/n" i heard him say while i left the room.
Why was he drunk? Was he with someone? I pushed my thoughts away and i walked towards vic. I saw the nurses and vic having a whole discussion.
"VIC!" I yelled
"Vedi ti ho detto che conoscevo Damiano! Hai un lavoro donna! Un lavoro!!!" She yelled at the nurse
(See i told you i knew Damiano! You have one job woman, ONE JOB!)
The nurses were ashamed and let them through.
I ran to vic and we hugged eachother tightly.
"Stai bene y/n?"
(Are you okay y/n)
"Ora sono"
(Now i am)
I hugged Ethan and Thomas aswell and i could feel how emotional they were and they all had red puffy eyes, just like me.
I led them to Damiano's room and his parents let us in.
"DAMIANO CI HAI SPAVENTATO A MORTE" vic yelled with tears in her eyes.
(Damiano you scared us to death)
"I know im sorry i just left"
Left from what? A party?
They all talked in italian very quickly and i didnt understand everything. Suddenly everyone left.
"Where are you going?"
"Were getting some coffee" Rosa said smiling gently.
Now it was just me and Damiano.
"Its really not okay y/n, i cant imagine what you have gone through i mean what if you never showed up to our date and hours passed and then getting a random call saying you are in the Hospital. It would break me. And the fact i wouldnt know What happend to you."
"I know but you're fine right. But where were you? Why were you drunk Damiano?"
"Our producer told us our song was number 1 on spotify and we decided to celebrate it and we went to the old Apartment and danced a little and drank alot. I just lost track of time and i was on my way to the restaurant all wasted but you were already gone and thats the last thing i remember."
"Which song?"
"Which song is on number one?"
"I bailed on our date and partied and got wasted and you ask me which song is on number one?" He said smiling
"Look Damiano, i dont care i thought you were with some girl or something but you were just celebrating your succes and im so proud of you"
"You think i would cheat on you?"
"Noo its just when the nurse told me that you were drunk i thought maybee-"
"I would never cheat on you y/n you are the love of my life. Im really sorry for what happend and its all my fault but It kinda hurts that you think i would ever be able to cheat on you.. In fact i was planning on proposing to you"
"Yea with a room full of daisies your favorite and i would play apocalyps by cigarettes after sex also your favorite. I would get on one knee and tell you all the reasons why i love you and why i want to spend the rest of my life with you. You were there for me when i was in a dark place, you have made me the happiest ive ever been in my entire life. And i want to make you feel the same way. Your my passion my muse, my inspiration, my bestfriend and my lover."
"Damiano -i"
"Dont say anything amore i just need to know if you feel the same. And if you have not doubts"
Tears were running down my cheeks.
"Damiano you already make me feel that way. You make me feel alive. You bring out the best in me and you make me feel in a way i cant describe. Everytime im with you i feel butterflies and ive never felt that way about anyone before. Living without you is like living without oxygen, you are the love of my life Damiano. So yes I would be interested in marrying you"
We both laughed and cried and hugged.
I was so overwhelmed by all my emotions.
Vic, ethan and thomas walked in the room.
"By your faces i assume it went well" vic said smiling from ear to ear.
"THEY KNEW" i screamed
"Well what can i say, i am next in line for marrying damiano if you guys didn't work out. so yes it would be nice to be informed about proposals" thomas said
We laughed at him
"Idiota" vic said to thomas while ruining his hair with her hands.
They all came in for a hug.
"I am so happy for you" Ethan said
Which made me smile
They were hugging us tighter and i could hear damiano groan.
They let go.
"quite a while now to be honest" she replied
I looked at Damiano and he just smiled.

Ty for reading loves don't forget to vote and have a good day! <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1 thousand reads!!!!! 🥳<33

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