meet the family ~ ironstrange

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Tony was tapping his fingers against the table in the meeting room as steve drill on about what ever he though was important , not that it wasn't important to tony just right now the one thing that was on his mind is getting out this meeting and heading upstairs to celebrate his secret sons 3rd birthday with his secret  husband
You see tony had yet to tell the team about having a family its not that he was imbarised or scared of telling them it just his team had some strong opinions about him and he was worried if he told them they wouldn't believe him , right now he wishes he had the guts to tell them so he could spend the whole day with his son and not spend most of it in this stupid meeting

Meanwhile up in the pent house of the tower , steven was cooking a birthday lunch from peter  to make up for the fact his dad was called into a meeting on his birthday and it was taking longer that expected , Steven could see the living room from the kitchen and thought Peter was still infront of the couch watching TV , but he should of double checked because peter being impatient and checky has decided to crawl away to go find his dad while his pops was busy  making lunch,  and peter being the smart child he is found the meeting room without a problem

Back in the meeting steve was still talking about whatever he was talking about tony had lost complete interest and was trying his best to stop himself from running out the room  when the door opens and a little voice screaming daddy and crashing into tony arms , steve finally shut up to the shock as the known playboy sitting there with a smile on his face a real one not his usually paparazzi one and hugging a 3 year old boy , peter snapped the avengers out of there shock when he started talking to tony " dadda you promise you would spend my birthday with me and you been in meetings to long so while papa was cooking i asked Friday for help to find you and she showed me hows to gets here " and that folks is how the avengers found out about tony secret family and promise to protect the cute cinnamon bun of a child peter ( who clint still can't believe is tony child) from the Terror of this cruel world

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