field trip - lokison

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~Wednesday morning ~

Peter ~
Today was an okay day, flash left me alone and I had all my favourite lessons. For once I think my luck took a turn for the better until last lesson science; it was just before the bell went to signal freedom until tomorrow morning when our teacher drew the attention of the whole class back to him were in big letters on the bored was written "field trip to stark tower" and this was when i knew my life would go up in flames. You see at school I'm known as Peter Parker, a 15 year old boy from Queens New York, living with his auntie, a know it all nerd with brown eyes, brown hair and a wimp who can't fight a fly. But in reality, outside of school I'm peter lokison; a 525 year old prince of Asgard, prince of Jotunheim, god of knowledge, frost giant, son of loki with black hair, green eyes and someone not to be messed with. Also someone who is completely banned from walking even an inch into stark tower.
Now do you see my problem?

~Friday morning~
The day i have been dreading came quicker than it seemed and now I'm sat on the old yellow school bus heading to a place where a bunch of people who hate my dad live along with my idiot uncle thor, with a bunch of idiot mortals who have no clue who I really am. I'm currently just wondering how long it takes for the whole of the avengers to show up, try to fight me and tell the whole class my identity.  Anyways...
As the bus pulls up outside the tower all the mortals stare at it in amazement as i just look at it with bordom. I can just imagine their reactions to the Asgard palace if they think the tin cans building is so magnificent. My teacher gets us all in an orderly fashion and takes us though the door. I stand at the back of the group as we walk in knowing that I'll be out the building before I reach the front desk, and i was right! Because as soon as I step though the door the whole lobby went into lockdown. Great. Well there goes my secret identity I guess.

By Hermione graham
Edited by Chloe

Author note ~
Let me know if you would like a part 2

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