assembly from hell - irondad , spiderson

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Peter ~

“Attention students, please, report to the main hall for a special assembly”

Great there goes the whole of study hall, I was looking forward to that nap. I need it to, mum’s on a business trip this week so me and dad are kind of forgetting to sleep at night.

Well, I better go to assembly, before I cause a scene by walking in late; drawing unwanted attention from the whole school. That is not what I need today. Not that I don't love attention, I’m a Stark, we thrive for it, but at school I’m not a Stark. I’m nerdy, wimpy, poor, Peter Parker, who blends in with the crowds. That’s a good thing, since, I want to keep my identity a secret, at least until I’m 18. I honestly don't think I could deal with all the fake friends, rumours and paparazzi, if I didn’t.

When I get to the assembly hall, it seems awfully quiet and that’s when I realise. I’m late! I was so stuck in my own, stupid, head about being late that I ended up arriving late. God, this is going to be embarrassing and so not what I need. I open the door and all the excited chatter for the guests stops, as eveyone turns to stair at me. When I think I can get away with a quick sorry and scurry of to my seat, the principal with an angry expression shouts,

“Mr Parker, this rude and disrespectful behaviour is not welcome at this school!We have already spoken about this! First of all, you’re 10 minutes late! Second of all, you interrupted our guests, the Avengers, who, we are lucky to have here today!"


Dig me a double grave, dad’s here and he is not good at keeping himself together, especially without mum.

“I don't care what your excuse is this time young man, but it, obviously, isn't your internship lie as Tony Stark is standing right there on the stage. Therefore, I have no choice but, to suspend you for a week and get your family to pick you up right now. You have lied and embarrassed the school and it won't be tolerated."

Well, I think my cover’s about to be blown so, better do it in a way that doesn't embarrass me more,

“Um, miss, my mum’s out of state on a business meeting and my dad is kind of already here. Also, you’re right about the internship. Technically, I don't have one, but, seeing how my dad owns the company, and my mum runs it so, I do tend to do a lot of work for the company. Plus, I tried to sneak in without making a sound; it’s not my fault the school doesn't have the money to buy new doors because, they brought a new coffee machine for the teacher’s lounge instead."

God, that was sassy but, if I’m revealing my identity, then I better go full Stark, after all that’s what I am. My principal stood there shocked; Clint was rolling around laughing on the stage; and, I didn't realise, dad had come up behind me, hugging me during my little speech. The rest of the school sat there in silence and shock which, of course, my dad had to break by saying,

“Sorry kiddos but, I only agreed to this to see my son and, as he just got suspended for a week, I need to take him home. Also, if a word about this gets out, I will sue your asses, and I will know who it is. Come on kiddo, let’s go get ice-cream and hope your mother doesn't find out about this."

Well, I guess you could say the day didn't turn out so bad and my life didn't end completely. You see, after that day, I never got bothered at school again, and, mum never found out about what happened. I will pray to the lord she doesn't find out, ever, or then I’m dead, and so is dad.

By Hermione ( me )
Edited by  Charlee_18

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